- 國立清華大學工業工程學系學士, 1980/09-1984/06
- 國立清華大學工業工程研究所碩士, 1984/09-1986/06
- 國立清華大學資訊科學研究所博士, 1986/09-1990/06
- Chair Professor, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, 2012/01-2014/12
- Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Athabasca University, Canada, 2011/06-2016/05
- Visiting Professor, Hear and Say Centre, Hear and Say WorldWide, Australia, 2010/08-2012/07
- Visiting Professor, Queensland Health Skills Development Centre, Australia, 2009/11-2012/11
- Professor, Information Management Department, Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, 1996/08-2019/01 (Retired)
- Director, Taiwan Network Information Center, Taiwan, Since 2008/12
- Visiting Professor, The University of Queensland, Australia, 2008/01~2008/09
- 格里菲斯大學, 澳洲, 高等教育研究所, 兼任教授, 2004/08~2007/07
- 格里菲斯大學, 澳洲, 高等教育研究所, 客座教授, 2003/07~2004/07
- 國立中山大學資訊管理學系主任,2005/08-2006/07
- 台灣電腦網路危機處理中心主任, 1998/09-2006/08
- 國立中山大學計算機與網路中心副主任, 1997/02-2002/09
- 國立中山大學電子計算機中心網路組長, 1992/05-1997/01
- 國立中山大學資訊管理學系副教授, 1990/08-1996/05
- 國立中山大學管理學院電腦中心主任, 1994/01-1995/08
- 國防部陸軍 兵工整備發展中心資訊預官, 1992/07-1994/05
- -------------------------------
- Editorial & Journal Reviewers
- -------------------------------
- Co-Editor, Educational Technology & Society journal [ISSN 1176-3647 (print) & 1436-4522 (online), SSCI-Indexed.
- Guest Editor, Special issue on outcomes of Taiwan e-Learning National Program for journal of Educational Technology & Society journal
- Guest Editor, Special issue on the theme "Synchronous methods and applications in e-learning", Campus-Wide Information Systems - The international journal of information and learning technology (ISSN 1065-0741)
- Guest Editor: IEEE LTTF Learning Technology newsletter, July 2003 issue (Special Issue on Pedagogy and implementation issues in the synchronous communication based educational systems)
- Editorial Board Member: Educational Technology & Society journal [ISSN 1176-3647 (print) & 1436-4522 (online)] (2001-)
- Computers & Education (SSCI)
- Educational Technology and Society (SSCI)
- Asia Pacific Education Review (SSCI)
- Computers in Human Behavior (SSCI)
- CyberPsychology and Behavior (SSCI)
- IEEE Transactions on Education (SCI, EI)
- Journal of Distance Education Technologies (EI)
- Journal of Internet Technology (SCI, EI)
- Journal of Information Science and Engineering (SCI Expanded, EI)
- International Journal on Digital Learning Technology
- Campus-Wide Information Systems
- Interactive Learning Environments (SSCI)
- -------------------------------
- Keynote Speakers
- -------------------------------
- IEEE International Workshop on Mobile , Ubiquitous and Classroom Technologies Enhanced Learning (MUCTEL2008), June 11-13, 2008, Taichung , Taiwan .
- Pacific Internet Annual Conference, PacINet2007, 14-24, August, Honiara, Solomon Islands.
- IADIS International Conference on WWW/Internet 2005 (ICWI 2005), Lisbon - Portugal, 19-22 October, 2005.
- IADIS Virtual Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCIS 2005) 21 April, 2005.
- -------------------------------
- Invited Talks
- -------------------------------
- Invited Talk on Blended Synchronous Learning Model, IADIS International Conference on Web Based Communities 2008, Amsterdam , The Netherlands , 24-26 July 2008.
- Invited talk for the IMPDET PhD program for one day workshop, University of Joensuu, Finland (Mekrijarvi, Finland March 25-30 2007)
- -------------------------------
- Conference Chairs
- -------------------------------
- General Conference Co-Chairs, IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2010, Freiburg, Germany, 28-30, July 2010
- General Conference Co-Chairs, IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2009, Algarve, Portugal, 17-20, June 2009
- General Conference Co-Chairs, IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2008, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 22-27, July 2008
- General Conference Co-Chairs, IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2007, Lisbon, Portugal, 3 - 8 July 2007
- IEEE International Workshop on Web 2.0 and Multimedia-enabled Education (W2ME 2007), December 10-12, 2007, Taichung, Taiwan
- General Conference Co-Chairs, IADIS Virtual Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCSIS2006)
- -------------------------------
- Program Chairs
- -------------------------------
- Program Co-Chairs, the 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies ICALT2011, University of Georgia, USA, 6-8 July, 2011.
- Program Co-Chairs, the 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies ICALT2009, Riga Technical University , Latvia , 14-18 July, 2009.
- Program Co-chairs, Technology Enhanced Learning (TELearn2009), October 6-8, 2009, Academic Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
- Program Co-chairs, Technology Enhanced Learning (TELearn2008), December 4-6, 2008, Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Program Co-chairs, Technology Enhanced Learning (TELearn2007), July 14~15, 2007, Taiwan
- International Co-chairs, International conference on Information Society, Miami, Florida, USA, 7?0 August 2006
- Taiwan Area Internet Annual Conference (TANET1999), Dec 1999, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- -------------------------------
- Tutorial/Workshop Chairs
- -------------------------------
- Tutorials Chair, the 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies ICALT2010, Sousse, , Tunisia, 5-7 July, 2010.
- Workshop Chairs, IEEE International Workshop on Web 2.0 and Multimedia-enabled Education (W2ME 2007)
- Workshop Co-Chair, International Conference on Advanced Learning Technology, ICALT 2006, Kerkrade, The Netherlands
- Tutorial Chair, International Conference on Advanced Learning Technology, ICALT 2005, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Educational Track Workshop, Asia Pacific Region Internet Conference on Operation and Technology (APRICOT1998), February 12-15, 1998, Malaysia.
- -------------------------------
- Program Committee Members
- -------------------------------
- The 18th International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2010, 29 November - 3 December, Putrajaya, Malaysia.
- IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2010), 15 - 17 October 2010, Timisoara, Romania.
- Taiwan Area Internet Annual Conference, TANET2010, Tainan, Taiwan.
- IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technology, ICALT 2010, Sousse, Tunisia.
- Pacific Neighborhood Consortium Annual Conference and Joint Meetings (PNC 2009), 6-8 October, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Taiwan E-Learning Forum 2009 (TWELF 2009), 25-26 September, Tainan, Taiwan.
- IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2009), 20-22 November 2009, Rome, Italy.
- The 20th International Conference on Information Management, ICIM 2009, May 23, Taipei, Taiwan.
- TELDAP International Conference 2009, February, 23-27, Taipei, Taiwan
- National Digital Archive Program International Conference (NDAP2008), March, 18-20, Taipei, Taiwan
- The 16th International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2008, October 27-31, Taipei, Taiwan
- IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technology, ICALT2008, July 1-5, 2008, Santander, Cantabria, Spain
- IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technology, ICALT2007, July 18-20, 2007, Niigata, Japan
- IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2007), 8-10 December 2007, Algarve, Portugal
- IEEE International Workshop on Context Aware Ubiquitous Learning (CAUL2006)
- IEEE International Workshop on Technology for Education in Developing Countries (TEDC 2006)
- The 8th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS2006), Jhongli, Taiwan.
- IADIS International Conference Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2006), Barcelona, Spain.
- IEEE International Workshop on Context Aware Ubiquitous Learning (CAUL2006), Taichung, Taiwan, June 5, 2006.
- IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technology, ICALT 2006, Kerkrade, The Netherlands.
- IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2005, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- IEEE International Workshop on Technology for Education in Developing Countries (TEDC 2005)
- IADIS International Conference Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2005), Porto, Portugal.
- IADIS International Conference Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2004), Lisbon, Portugal.
- 16th Annual FIRST Conference on Computer Security Incident Handling, July 13-18,2004, Budapest, Hungary.
- The IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, 15-17 December 2004, Lisbon, PORTUGAL.
- IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT2004, Aug.30-Sep.1, 2004, Joensuu, Finland.
- International Workshop on Technology for Education in Developing Countries (TEDC 04).
- IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, July 9-11, 2003, Athens, Greece.
- International Workshop on Technology for Education in Developing Countries (TEDC 03).
- Taiwan Area Internet Annual Conference (TANET2002), Oct. 2002, Hsin-chu, Taiwan.
- -------------------------------
- Panelists
- -------------------------------
- Theme: "Cross-Exchanges between Mobile and Game-Based Learning", The 6th IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in Education, April 12-16, 2010, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Theme: "The Challenge and Strategy of Network Security", TWNIC Internet Trend Seminar 2009 & 10 th Anniversary Celebrations, 2009.
- Theme: "The Challenge and Future Research of E-Learning", Panel Discussion Member, Technology Enhanced Learning Conference , 2008.
- "Network Security Training and Education", Panel Discussion Member, Asia Pacific Security Incident Response Coordination Conference, 2003
- "Network Security Attack, Defense and Management", Panel Discussion Chair, Taiwan Area Network Conference(TANET2002), 2002
- 2010-2012 Distinguished Professor, National Sun Yet-Sen University, Taiwan
- 2010 Best Paper Award, Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET2010), Taiwan.
- 2009/02-2009/06 Distinguished Course: Business Data and Communication
- 2008 Distinguished Research Award, National Sun Yet-Sen University, Taiwan,
- 2008 Distinguished Research Award, National Science Council (NSC), Taiwan.
- 2008 Teaching and Research Award, National Sun Yet-sen University, Taiwan.
- 2007 Teaching and Research Award, National Sun Yet-sen University, Taiwan.
- 2007/09-2008/01 Distinguished Course: E-Learning Theory And Practice
- 2006 Teaching and Research Award, National Sun Yet-sen University, Taiwan.
- 2005 Visiting Academic, Department of Information Systems, Massey University, New Zealand
- 2002 K12 Digital School Won Silver Award in Education Category, National Competition for Performance Improvement Using Information Technology, Executive Yuan, Taiwan.
- 2001 Visiting Scholar, International Visitor Program for Educational Technologies in the U.S. ,Invited by the U.S. State Council, Recommended by the American Institute in Taiwan.
- 1999 Best Web-based Course Design Award, Ministry of Education.
- 1999 Best Paper Award, The Instructional Design for Hybrid Internet -based Distance Education, Information and Education Magazine
- 1997 Coach Award, Students Won 2nd Place Award on Science and Mathematics, Think Quest Contest
- 1996 Distinguished Achievement Award, Committee of Info-Expo Month, Ministry of Economic Affairs
- 1996 Distinguished Achievement Award, TANET(Taiwan Academic Network Award, Ministry of Education
- 96年度教師教學研究績優獎勵, 中山大學
- 95年度教師教學研究績優獎勵, 中山大學
- K12數位學校教師專業進修工作圈獲第三屆法制再造工作圈,銀斧獎,行政院經建會,2002
- 接受美國在台協會推薦參加國務院舉辦的International Visitor Program "Education Technologies in the U.S." 考察一個月, 2001
- 青年管理獎章,中華民國管理科學學會 , 2001
- 教育部非同步網路教材評鑑特優, 1999
- 年度優良論文作品(論文名稱:全球資訊網整合式學習環境), 資訊與教育雜誌, 1999
- 81, 84-87年度國科會甲種研究獎助
- 十大傑出資訊人才獎,中華民國資訊月會 , 1996
- 臺灣學術網路傑出貢獻獎, 教育部, 1996
- 國立中山大學傑出教學教師獎, 1994
- Yang, G.-B., Wen, D.-W., Kinshuk, Chen, N.-S., & Sutinen, E., A novel contextual topic model for multi-document summarization, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol.42, No.3, 2015, pp.1240-1352 (SSCI)
- Wu, W. C. V., Wang, R. J., & Chen, N. S., Instructional design using an in-house built teaching assistant robot to enhance elementary school English-as-a-foreign-language learning, Interactive Learning Environments, Vol.23, No.6, 2015, pp.694-714 (SSCI)
- Quadir, B., & Chen, N.-S., The effects of reading and writing habits on blog adoption, Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol.34, No.9, 2015, pp.893-901 (SSCI)
- Lan, Y.-J., Chen, N.-S., Li, P., & Grant, S., Embodied cognition and language learning in virtual environments, Etr&D-Educational Technology Research and Development, Vol.63, No.5, 2015, pp.639-644 (SSCI)
- Kuo, T. C.-T., Chen, H.-R., Hwang, W.-Y., & Chen, N.-S., The Factors and Impacts of Large-Scale Digital Content Accreditations, Educational Technology & Society, Vol.18, No.3, 2015, pp.29-48 (SSCI)
- Hung, I.-C., Hsu, H.-H., Chen, N.-S., & Kinshuk., Communicating through body: a situated embodiment-based strategy with flag semaphore for procedural knowledge construction, Etr&D-Educational Technology Research and Development, Vol.63, No.5, 2015, pp.749-769 (SSCI)
- Chen, L. W., Chen, T. L., & Chen, N. S., Students' perspectives of using cooperative learning in a flipped statistics classroom, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, Vol.31, No.6, 2015, pp.621-640 (SSCI)
- Chang, M., Lachance, D., Lin, F., Al-Shamali, F., & Chen, N.-S., Enhancing Orbital Physics Learning Performance through a Hands-on Kinect Game, Egitim Ve Bilim-Education and Science, Vol.40, No.180, 2015 (SSCI)
- Zervas, P., Tsitmidelli, A., Sampson, D. G., Chen, N.-S., & Kinshuk., Studying Research Collaboration Patterns via Co-authorship Analysis in the Field of TeL: The Case of Educational Technology & Society Journal, Educational Technology & Society, Vol.17, No.4, 2014, pp.1-16 (SSCI)
- Sheu, F.-R., & Chen, N.-S., Taking a signal: A review of gesture-based computing research in education, Computers & Education, Vol.78, No.0, 2014, pp.268-277 (SSCI)
- Shadiev, R., Hwang, W.-Y., Chen, N.-S., & Huang, Y.-M., Review of Speech-to-Text Recognition Technology for Enhancing Learning, Educational Technology & Society, Vol.17, No.4, 2014, pp.65-84 (NSC 103-2911-I-003-301, NSC 102-3113-P-006-019-, MOST 103-2511-S-006-007-MY3, and MOST 103-2511-S-006-002-MY3.)
- Sampson, D., Kinshuk, Jemni, M., & Chen, N.-S., Guest Editorial: Current advances in digital learning technologies, Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, Vol.26, No.1, 2014, pp.1-3
- Quadir, B., & Chen, N.-S., The Effects of Reading and Writing Habits on Learning Performance in a Blog Learning Environment, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 2014, pp.1-10 (SSCI)
- Lin, H.-C. K., Chen, N.-S., Sun, R.-T., & Tsai, I.-H., Usability of affective interfaces for a digital arts tutoring system, Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol.33, No.2, 2014, pp.104-115 (SSCI)
- Kuo, F.-R., Hsu, C.-C., Fang, W.-C., & Chen, N.-S., The effects of Embodiment-based TPR approach on student English vocabulary learning achievement, retention and acceptance, Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, Vol.26, No.1, 2014, pp.63-70
- Kuo, F.-R., Chen, N.-S., & Hwang, G.-J., A creative thinking approach to enhancing the web-based problem solving performance of university students, Computers & Education, Vol.72, 2014, pp.220-230 (SSCI)
- Hwang, G.-J., Kuo, F.-R., Chen, N.-S., & Ho, H.-J., Effects of an Integrated Concept Mapping and Web-based Problem-Solving Approach on Students’ Learning Achievements, Perceptions and Cognitive Loads, Computers & Education, Vol.71, 2014, pp.77-86 (SSCI)
- Hwang, G.-J., Hung, P.-H., Chen, N.-S., & Liu, G.-Z., Mindtool-Assisted In-Field Learning (MAIL): An Advanced Ubiquitous Learning Project in Taiwan., Educational Technology & Society, Vol.17, No.2, 2014, pp.4-16 (SSCI)
- Hwang, G.-J., Hung, C.-M., & Chen, N.-S., Improving learning achievements, motivations and problem-solving skills through a peer assessment-based game development approach, Etr&D-Educational Technology Research and Development, Vol.62, No.2, 2014, pp.129-145 (SSCI)
- Hung, I.-C., Yang, X.-J., Fang, W.-C., Hwang, G.-J., & Chen, N.-S., A context-aware video prompt approach to improving students' in-field reflection levels., COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, Vol.70, 2014, pp.80-91 (SSCI)
- Hung, I.-C., Lin, L.-I., Fang, W.-C., & Chen, N.-S., Learning with the Body: An Embodiment-Based Learning Strategy Enhances Performance of Comprehending Fundamental Optics, Interacting with Computers, Vol.26, No.4, 2014, pp.360-371 (SSCI)
- Huang, Y.-M., Liu, M.-C., Chen, N.-S., Kinshuk, & Wen, D.-W., Facilitating learners' web-based information problem-solving by query expansion-based concept mapping, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, Vol.30, No.5, 2014, pp.517-532 (SSCI)
- El-Bishouty, M. M., Chang, T.-W., Graf, S., Kinshuk, & Chen, N.-S., mart e-course recommender based on learning styles, Journal of Computers in Education, Vol.1, No.1, 2014, pp.99-111
- Cheng, B., Wang, M.-H., Morch, A. I., Chen, N.-S., Kinshuk, & Spector, J. M., Research on e-learning in the workplace 2000-2012: A bibliometric analysis of the literature., Educational Research Review, Vol.11, 2014, pp.56-72 (SSCI)
- Chen, Y.-L., Wang, Y., Kinshuk, & Chen, N.-S., Is FLIP enough? Or should we use the FLIPPED model instead?, Computers & Education, Vol.79, No.0, 2014, pp.16-27 (SSCI)
- Chen, N.-S., & Hwang, G.-J., Transforming the classrooms: innovative digital game-based learning designs and applications, Etr&D-Educational Technology Research and Development, Vol.62, No.2, 2014, pp.125-128 (SSCI)
- Chang, C.-S., Liu, E. Z.-F., Sung, H.-Y., Lin, C.-H., Chen, N.-S., & Cheng, S.-S., Effects of online college student's Internet self-efficacy on learning motivation and performance, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, Vol.51, No.4, 2014, pp.366-377 (SSCI)
- Yang, G.-B., Chen, N.-S., Kinshuk, Sutinen, E., Anderson, T., & Wen, D.-W., The effectiveness of automatic text summarization in mobile learning contexts, COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, Vol.68, 2013, pp.233-243 (SSCI)
- Wu, Y.-T., Hou, H.-T., Hwang, F.-K., Lee, M.-H., Lai, C.-H., Chiou, G.-L., . . . Tsai, C.-C., A review of intervention studies on technology assisted instruction from 2005-2010., EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, Vol.16, No.3, 2013, pp.191-203 (SSCI)
- Wu, W.-C., Marek, M., & Chen, N.-S., Assessing cultural awareness and linguistic competency of EFL learners in a CMC-based active learning context, System, Vol.41, No.3, 2013, pp.515-528 (SSCI)
- Wang, M.-H., Wu, B., Kinshuk, Chen, N.-S., & Spector, M. J., Connecting problem-solving and knowledge construction processes in a visualization-based learning environment, COMPUTERS & EDUCATION, Vol.68, 2013, pp.293-306 (SSCI)
- Kinshuk, Huang, H.-W., Sampson, D., & Chen, N.-S., Trends in Educational Technology through the Lens of the Highly Cited Articles Published in the Journal of Educational Technology, EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, Vol.16, No.3, 2013, pp.3-20 (SSCI)
- Hung, I.-C., Chao, K.-J., Lee, L., & Chen, N.-S., Designing a robot teaching assistant for enhancing and sustaining learning motivation, INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS, Vol.21, No.2, 2013, pp.156-171 (SSCI)
- Chen, N.-S., Wei, C.-W., Huang, Y.-C., & Kinshuk., The integration of print and digital content for providing learners with constructive feedback using smartphones, BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, Vol.44, No.5, 2013, pp.837-845 (SSCI)
- Chen, N.-S., Hwang, W.-Y., & Chen, G.-D., The disruptive power of virtual reality (VR) and serious games for education., INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS, Vol.21, No.2, 2013, pp.101-103 (SSCI)
- Chen, N.-S., & Fang, W.-C., Grand Challenges and Research Directions in e-Learning of the 21th Century, EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, Vol.16, No.2, 2013, pp.1-2 (SSCI)
- Chao, K.-J., Huang, H.-W., Fang, W.-C., & Chen, N.-S., Embodied play to learn: Exploring Kinect-facilitated memory performance, BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, Vol.44, No.5, 2013, pp.E151-E155 (SSCI)
- Chang, C. S., Liu, E. Z. F., Shung, H. Y., & Chen, N. S., Effects of online college student’s internet self-efficacy on learning motivation and performance, Innovations in Education & Teaching International, 2012 (in press, SSCI)
- Chang, T. W., Kinshuk, Chen, N. S., & Yua, P. T., The effects of presentation method and information density on visual search ability and working memory load, Computers & Education, Vol.58, No.2, 2012, pp.721-731 (doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2011.09.022, SSCI)
- Chao, K. J., Hung, I. C., & Chen, N. S., On the design of online synchronous assessmentsin a synchronous cyber classroom, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2012 (in press, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2729.2011.00463.x, SSCI)
- Cheng, B., Wang, M., Moormann, J., Olaniran, B. A., & Chen, N. S., The effects of organizational learning environment factors on e-learning acceptance, Computers & Education, Vol.58, No.3, 2012, pp.885-899 (doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2011.10.014, SSCI)
- Cheng, S. S., Liu, E. Z. F., Chen, N. S., Shih, R. C., & S., C. C., Gender differences in college students’ behaviors in an online question-answer discussion activity, The Asia Pacific Education Researcher, 2012 (in press)
- Goh, T. T., Seet, B. C., & Chen, N. S., The impact of persuasive SMS on students’self-regulated learning, British Journal of Educational Technology, 2012 (in press, doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8535.2011.01236.x, SSCI)
- Hsieh, P. H., & Chen, N. S., Effects of reflective thinking in the process of designing software on students’ learning performances, The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2012 (in press)
- Hsu, Y. C., Ho, H. N., Tsai, C. C., Hwang, G. J., Chu, H. C., Wang, C. Y., & Chen, N. S., Research Trends in Technology-based Learning from 2000 to 2009: a content analysis of publications in selected journals, Educational Technology & Society, 2012 (in press, SSCI)
- Huang, H. W., Wu, C. W., & Chen, N. S., The effectiveness of using procedural scaffoldings in a paper-plus-smartphonecollaborative learning context, Computers & Education, 2012 (in press, doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2012.01.015, SSCI)
- Huang, Y. M., Liang, T. H., Su, Y. N., & Chen, N. S., Empowering personalized learning with an interactive e-book learning system for elementary school students, Educational Technology Research & Development, 2012 (in press, SSCI)
- Hung, I. C., Chao, K. J., & Chen, N. S., Designing a robot teaching assistant for enhancing and sustaining learning motivation, Interactive Learning Environments, 2012 (in press, SSCI)
- Hsiao, K. F., Chen, N. S., & Huang, S. Y., Learning while Exercising for Science Education in Augmented Reality among Adolescents, Interactive Learning Environments, 2012 (in press, SSCI)
- Hwang, W. Y., Shadiev, R., Kuo, T. C. T., & Chen, N. S., Effects of Speech-to-Text Recognition Application on Learning Performance in Synchronous Cyber Classrooms, Educational Technology & Society, 2012 (in press, SSCI)
- Kuo, C. T., Shadiev, R., Hwang, W. Y., & Chen, N. S., Effects of Applying STR for Group Learning Activities on Learning Performance in a Synchronous Cyber Classroom, Computers & Education, 2012 (in press, SSCI)
- Teng, D. C. E., Chen, N. S., Kinshuk, & T., L., Exploring Students' Learning Experience in an International Online Research Seminar in the Synchronous Cyber Classroom, Computers & Education, Vol.58, No.3, 2012, pp.918-930 (doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2011.10.018, SSCI)
- Wang, Y., & Chen, N. S., The collaborative language learning attributes of cyber face-to-face interaction: the perspectives of the learner, Interactive Learning Environments, 2012 (in press, SSCI)
- Wei, C. W., Chen, N. S., & Kinshuk, A model for social presence in online classrooms, Educational Technology Research and Development, 2012 (in press, SSCI)
- Chen, N. S., Quadi, B., & Teng, D. C. E., Integrating book, digital content and robot for enhancing elementary school students' learning of English, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, Vol.27, No.3, 2011, pp.546-561 (SSCI)
- Hastie, M, Chen, N. S., & Smith, R, The role of the e-Learning manager in re-engineering educational paradigms, International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, Vol.57, No.3/4, 2011, pp.268-281
- McGreal, R., & Chen, N. S., AUPress: A Comparison of an Open Access University Press with Traditional Presses, Educational Technology & Society, Vol.14, No.3, 2011, pp.231-239 (SSCI)
- Chang, C. S., Liu, E. Z. F., Lee, C. Y., Chen, N. S., Hu, D. C., & Lin, C. H., Developing and Validating A Media Literacy Self-Evaluation Scale (MLSS) for Elementary School Students, The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, Vol.10, No.2, 2011, pp.63-71 (SSCI)
- Chen, N. S., Kinshuk, Wei, C. W., & Liu, C. C., Effects of matching teaching strategy to thinking style on learner’s quality of reflection in an online learning environment, Computers & Education, Vol.56, No.1, 2011, pp.53-64 (SSCI)
- Chen, N. S., Teng, C. E., Lee, C. H., & Kinshuk, Augmenting paper-based reading activity with direct access to digital materials and scaffolded questioning, Computers & Education, Vol.57, No.2, 2011, pp.1705-1715 (SSCI)
- Hsieh, S. W., Jang, Y. R., Hwang, G. J., & Chen, N. S., Effects of teaching and learning styles on students’ reflection levels for ubiquitous learning, Computers & Education, Vol.57, No.1, 2011, pp.1194-1201 (SSCI)
- Hwang, W. Y., Chen, N. S., Shadiev, R., & Li, J. S., Effects of Reviewing Annotations and Homework Solutions on Math Learning Achievement, British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol.42, No.6, 2011, pp.1016-1028 (doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8535.2010.01126.x ,SSCI, NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 and NSC98-2631-S-024-001)
- Ko, L., & Chen, N. S., Online Interpreting in Synchronous Cyber Classrooms, Babel, Vol.57, No.2, 2011, pp.123-143
- Lin, K. M., Chen, N. S., & Fang, K. T., Understanding e-learning continuance intention: A negative critical incidents perspective, Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol.30, No.1, 2011, pp.77-89 (SSCI)
- Wei, C. W., Hung, I. C., Lee, L., & Chen, N. S., A Joyful Classroom Learning System With Robot Learning Companion For Children To Learn Mathematics Multiplication, The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, Vol.10, No.2, 2011, pp.11-23 (SSCI)
- Hwang, G. J., Chen, N. S. & Shih, J. L., Shifting from Technology-Enhanced Learning to Technology-Transformed Learning, Knowledge Management & E-Learning: an International Journal, Vol.3, No.3, 2011, pp.306-309
- Hastie, M., Chen, N. S. & Smith, R., Negotiating Content with Learners Using Technology Enhanced Teaching and Learning Solutions, Knowledge Management & E-Learning: an International Journal, Vol.3, No.3, 2011, pp.412-427
- Wei, C. W., Hung, I. C., Lee, L., & Chen, N. S., A Joyful Classroom Learning System With Robot Learning Companion For Children To Learn Mathematics Multiplication, Vol.10, No.2, 2011, pp.11-23 (SSCI, NSC99-2511-S-110-004-MY3 and NSC99-2631-S-011-002)
- Hsieh, S. W., Jang, Y. R., Hwang, G. J., & Chen, N. S., Effects of teaching and learning styles on students’ reflection levels for ubiquitous learning, Computers & Education, Vol.57, No.1, 2011, pp.1194-1201 (SSCI, NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3, NSC99-2631-S-011-002 and NSC99-2511-S-110-004-MY3)
- Wang, Y. P., & Chen, N. S., The collaborative language learning attributes of cyber face-to-face interaction: the perspectives of the learner, Interactive Learning Environments, 2011 (SSCI, in press, NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 and NSC98-2631-S-024-001)
- Hsiao, K. F., Chen, N. S., & Huang, S. Y., Learning while Exercising for Science Education in Augmented Reality among Adolescents, Interactive Learning Environments, 2011 (SSCI, in press)
- Chen, N. S., Kinshuk, Wei, C. W., & Liu, C. C., Effects of matching teaching strategy to thinking style on learner’s quality of reflection in an online learning environment, Computers & Education, Vol.56, No.1, 2011, pp.53-64 (SSCI, NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 and NSC99-2631-S-011-002, and the support of NSERC, iCORE, Xerox, and the research related funding by Mr. A. Markin.)
- 陳年興, 魏春旺, & 黃彥傑, 線上同步教學錄製工具之重要功能構面分析與探討, 數位學習科技期刊, Vol.2, No.2, 2010, pp.65-77 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 and NSC98-2631-S-024-001)
- Wang, Y., Chen, N. S., & Levy, M., Teacher training in a synchronous cyber face-to-face classroom: Characterizing and supporting the online teachers’ learning process, Computer Assisted Language Learning, Vol.23, No.4, 2010, pp.277-293 (SSCI, NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 and NSC98-2631-S-024-001)
- Wang, Y., Chen, N. S., & Levy, M., The design and implementation of a holistic training model for language teacher education in a cyber face-to-face learning environment, Computers and Education, Vol.55, No.2, 2010, pp.777-788 (SSCI, NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 and NSC98-2631-S-024-001)
- Tsai, C. C., Chen, N. S., & Chen, G. D., The Current Status and Future of e-Learning in Taiwan, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, Vol.47, No.1, 2010, pp.5-7 (SSCI)
- Shih, J. L., Nuutinen, J., Hwang, G. J., & Chen, N. S., Building Virtual Collaborative Research Community Using Knowledge Management Approach, Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal, Vol.2, No.3, 2010, pp.293-311 (NSC 96-2520-S-024 -005, NSC 97-2511-S-110-005-MY3, and NSC 98-2511-S-024-006-MY2)
- Hsieh, S. W., Chen, N. S., Wu, H. C., & Wu, M. P., 發展同步網路教學之資訊系統品質量表, 全球華人計算機教育應用學報, Vol.6, No.1&2, 2010
- Hastie, M., Hung, I. C., Chen, N. S., & Kinshuk, A Blended Synchronous Learning Model for Educational International Collaborations, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, Vol.47, No.1, 2010, pp.9-24 (SSCI, NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 and NSC98-2631-S-024-001, iCORE, Xerox and an A. Markin’s research funding gift)
- Chen, N. S., & Ko, L., An Online Synchronous Test for Professional Interpreters, Educational Technology & Society, Vol.13, No.2, 2010, pp.153-165 (SSCI, NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 and NSC98-2631-S-024-001)
- Chen, N. S., Hwang, G. J., Chen, M. P., & Hwang, W. Y., Technology Enhanced Learning: Moving Theory into Practice, Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal, Vol.2, No.1, 2010, pp.1-5
- Hsieh, S. W., Chen, N. S., & Kinshuk, Using mathematical model and empirical study to compare the face-to-face interaction between the physical and cyber environments, Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, Vol.30, No.3, 2009, pp.525-551 (ASCI, EI, NSC95-2520-S-110-001-MY2, NSC96-2412-H-269-001-SSS and NSC97-2631-S024-002)
- Chen, I. Y. L., Chen, N. S., & Kinshuk, Examining the Factors Influencing Participants’ Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Virtual Learning Communities, Journal of Educational Technology & Society, Vol.12, No.1, 2009, pp.134-148 (SSCI, NSC 96-2520-S- 231-001)
- Chen, N. S., & Tsai, C. C., Knowledge infrastructure of the future, Educational Technology & Society, Vol.12, No.1, 2009, pp.1-4 (SSCI)
- Chen, N. S., Wei, C. W., Wu, K. T., & Uden, L., Effects of high level prompts and peer assessment on online learners' reflection levels, Computers & Education, Vol.52, No.2, 2009, pp.283-291 (SSCI, (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 and NSC97-2631-S-024-002)
- Chen, Y. H., Chen, N. S., & Tsai, C. C., The use of online synchronous discussion for web-based professional development for teachers, Computers & Education, Vol.53, No.4, 2009, pp.1155-1166 (SSCI, NSC94-2511-S-009-003, 95-2511-S-011-002 & 96-2511-S-011-001)
- Chu, H. C., Hwang, G. J., Tsai, C. C., & Chen, N. S., An Innovative Approach for Promoting Information Exchanges and Sharing in a Web 2.0-based Learning Environment, Journal of Interactive Learning Environment, Vol.17, No.4, 2009, pp.311-323 (SSCI, NSC 98-2511-S-024-007-MY3, NSC 97-2511-S-011-001 and NSC 98-2631-S-024-001)
- Grafa, S., Liub, T. C., Kinshuk, Chen, N. S., & Yang, J. H. S., Learning Styles and Cognitive Traits – Their Relationship and its Benefits in Web-based Educational Systems, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.25, No.6, 2009, pp.1280-1289 (SSCI, Austrian Science Fund (FWF) under Grant J2831-N13, National Science Council of the Republic of China, Taiwan, under Contract No. NSC 96-2520-S-008-007-MY2, NSC 097-2811-S-008-001-, and NSC 97-2631-S-008-003-, iCORE, Xerox, and the research related gift funding by Mr. A. Markin.)
- Levy, M., Wang, Y., & Chen, N. S., Developing the skills and techniques for online language teaching: A focus on the process, Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, Vol.3, No.1, 2009, pp.16-33
- Liu, C. C., Chung, C. W., Chen, N. S., & Liu, B. J., Analysis of Peer Interaction in Learning Activities with Personal Handhelds and Shared Displays, Educational Technology and Society, Vol.12, No.1, 2009, pp.127-142 (SSCi, NSC 96-2524-S-008-001, NSC96-2520-S-008-006-MY2, NSC 96-2524-S-008-002 and NSC 97-2631-S-008-003)
- Uden, L., Chen, N. S., Wei, C. W., & Fan, J. C., Online Synchronous English Learning from Activity Theory Perspectives, International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development, Vol.1, No.3, 2009, pp.1-25 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3, NSC97-2631-S-024-002)
- Wang, Y., & Chen, N. S., Criteria for evaluating synchronous learning management systems: Arguments from the distance language classroom, Computer Assisted Language Learning, Vol.22, No.1, 2009, pp.1-18 (SSCI, NSC95-2520-S-110-001-MY2)
- Wei, C. W., Chen, N. S., Kinshuk, & Hsu, F. H., Effects of Goal Setting Strategy on Web-Based Learning Performance, International Journal on Digital Learning Technology, Vol.1, No.3, 2009, pp.140-161 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 and NSC97-2631-S-024-002)
- Chen, N. S., Hsieh, S. W., & Kinshuk, EFFECTS OF SHORT-TERM MEMORY AND CONTENT REPRESENTATION TYPE ON MOBILE LANGUAGE LEARNING, Language Learning & Technology, Vol.12, No.3, 2009, pp.93-113
- Chen, J. M., Kinshuk, Chen, N. S., & Lin, T. Y., Student profile transformation between desktop PCs and mobile phones, International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol.24, No.1, 2008, pp.115-126 (SCI)
- Chen, N. S., Hsieh, S. W., & Kinshuk, EFFECTS OF SHORT-TERM MEMORY AND CONTENT REPRESENTATION TYPE ON MOBILE LANGUAGE LEARNING, Language Learning & Technology, Vol.12, No.3, 2008, pp.93-113 (SSCI, NSC95-2520-S-110-001-MY2)
- Chen, N. S., Kinshuk, Wei, C. W., & Chen, H. J., Mining e-Learning domain concept map from academic articles, Computers & Education, Vol.50, No.3, 2008, pp.1009-1021 (SSCI, NSC95-2520-S-110-001-MY2)
- Chen, N. S., Kinshuk, Wei, C. W., & Yang, S. J. H., Designing a self-contained group area network for ubiquitous learning, Educational Technology & Society, Vol.11, No.2, 2008, pp.16-26 (SSCI, NSC 95 -2520 -S -110 -001 -MY2)
- Chen, N. S., Lin, K. M., & Kinshuk, Analysing users' satisfaction with e-learning using a negative critical incidents approach, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, Vol.45, No.2, 2008, pp.115-126 (SSCI, NSC93-2524-S-110-001)
- Chen, N. S., & Wang, Y. P., Testing principles of language learning in a cyber face-to-face environment, Educational Technology & Society, Vol.11, No.3, 2008, pp.97-113 (SSCI, NSC95-2520-S-110-001-MY2)
- Chen, N. S., Wei, C. W., Kinshuk, & Chen, Y. R., Classroom climate and learning effectiveness in holistic blended learning environments, International Journal on Digital Learning Technology, Vol.1, 2008, pp.72-94 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 & NSC97-2631-S-024-002)
- 陳年興, 魏春旺, 黃盟升, 林俊成, 混成同步學習環境中之即時互動現象, 臺南大學理工研究學報, Vol.42, No.1, 2008, pp.59-72
- Chen, N. S., Lin, K.M., Kinshuk, Analysing users' satisfaction with e-learning using a negative critical incidents approach, Innovations in Education and Teaching International Journal, Vol.45, No.2, 2008, pp.115-126
- Chen, N.-S., Kinshuk, Wei, C.-W., & Yang, S. J. H., Designing a Self-contained Group Area Network for Ubiquitous Learning, Educational Technology & Society, Vol.11, No.2, 2008, pp.16-26 (SSCI(NSC 95 -2520 -S -110 -001))
- Chen, N.S., Kinshuk, Wei, C.W., Chen, H.J., Mining e-Learning Domain Concept Map from Academic Articles., Computers & Education, Vol.50, No.3, 2008, pp.1009-1021 (SSCI)
- Chen, J.M., Kinshuk, Chen, N.S., Lin, T.Y., Student Profile Transformation between Desktop PCs and Mobile Phones, International Journal of Engineering Education., Vol.24, No.1, 2008, pp.115-126 (SCI)
- Chen, N. S., Wang, Y, Testing Principles of Language Learning in a Cyber Face-to-Face Environment, Educational Technology & Society, Vol.11, No.3, 2008, pp.97-113 ("SSCI, NSC95-2520-S-110-001-MY2")
- Hastie, M. , Chen, N.S., Kuo, Y.H., Instructional Design for Best Practice in the Synchronous Cyber Classroom, Educational Technology & Society, Vol.10, No.4, 2007, pp.281-294 (SSCI)
- 林甘敏, 陳年興, 網路大學學員接受度與管理方案之探討, 成人及終身教育學刊, Vol.7, 2007, pp.43-73
- Wang, Y. & Chen, N.S., Online synchronous language learning: SLMS over the Internet, Innovate, Vol.3, No.3, 2007
- Hwang, W.Y., Chen , N.S. , Dung, J.J., Yang, Y.L., Multiple Representation Skills and Creativity Effects on Mathematical Problem Solving using a Multimedia Whiteboard System, Educational Technology & Society ., Vol.10, No.2, 2007, pp.191-212 (SSCI)
- Yang, J.H., Chen, Y.L., Kinshuk, Chen, N.S., Enhancing Quality of E-Learning in Virtual Learning Communities by Finding Quality Learning Content and Trustworthy Collaborators, Educational Technology & Society, Vol.10, No.2, 2007, pp.84-95 (SSCI)
- 陳年興, 謝盛文, 黃琬婷, 自動化建構具時間向度之知識結構映射圖-以資訊管理領域之知識及其演進為例, 資訊管理學報, Vol.14, No.1, 2007, pp.1-32
- Chen, N.S., Kinshuk, Wang, Y.H., Cyber Schooling Framework: Improving Mobility and Situated Learning., International Journal of Engineering Education., Vol.23, No.3, 2007, pp.1-33 (SCI)
- Lin, F.R., Hwang, K.J., Chen, Integrating Information Retrieval and Data Mining to Discover Project Team Coordination Patterns, Decision Support Systems, Vol.42, No.2, 2006, pp.745-748 (SCI)
- 陳年興, 魏春旺, 影響網路學習環境中學習者知識分享因素之探討, 創新與管理, Vol.3, No.2, 2006, pp.81-104
- Chen, N.S., Hsieh, S.W., Kinshuk, Content Adaptation for Language Learning Based on Short-term Memory , WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education., Vol.9, No.3, 2006, pp.831-837 (EI)
- 陳年興, 謝盛文, 手機廣告表現方式與個人短期記憶能力導向對廣告溝通效果之影響, 電子商務研究, Vol.46, No.2, 2006, pp.157-180
- Huang, W.Y., Chen, N.S., Hsu, R.L., Development and Evaluation of Multimedia Whiteboard System for Improving Mathematical Problem Solving.(SSCI), Computers and Educatio, Vol.46, No.2, 2006, pp.105-121 (SSCI)
- 陳年興, 謝盛文, 成人學習者與網路學習科目之適配性研究, 教學科技與媒體, Vol.75, 2006, pp.86-102
- Nian-Shing Chen, Sheng-Wen Hsieh, Yu-Hung Liao, Factors Affecting Students’ Failure Response in Participating Mission Based Learning, Global Chinese Journal for Computer in Education, Vol.3, No.1, 2005 (http://www3.fed.cuhk.edu.hk/gcjce/contents.asp)
- 陳年興, 林甘敏, 方國定, 結合傳統與網路教學和純網路教學在學習成效與班級氣氛之比較, 當代教育研究季刊, Vol.13, No.4, 2005, pp.133-166
- Chen, N.S., Kinshuk, Ko, H.C., Lin, T.Y, A Model for Synchronous Learning Using the Internet, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, Vol.42, No.2, 2005, pp.181-194 (NSC92-2511-S-110-001-X3, SSCI)
- Jin Tan David Yang, Pao Ta Yu, Nian-Shing Chen, Chun Yen Tsai, Chin Chin Lee, Taiyu Lin., Using Ontology as Scaffolding for Authoring Teaching Materials, International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, Vol.3, No.1, 2005
- Fu-ren Lin, Nian-shing Chen, and Kuen-jin Huang, Incremental Revision of Recommendation Rules for Information Services, e-Service Journal, Vol.3, No.2, 2004, pp.85-108
- Huang, W.Y, Chen, N.S., Hsu, R.L., Development and Evaluation of Multimedia Whiteboard System for Improving Mathematical Problem Solving, Computers and Education, 2004 (SSCI)
- 陳年興、王逸宏, 網路學習重要觀念與小組同步合作學習模式探討, 教育研究月刊, No.125, 2004, pp.74-92
- 陳年興, 網路教學的課程設計與班級經營, 圖書館學與資訊科學, Vol.29, 2003, pp.5-14 (NSC91-MOE-S-110-002-X3)
- 徐慧成、謝盛文、陳年興, 利用網頁資訊建構多階層指導教授與研究生之網路關係, 網際網路技術學刊, Vol.4, No.2, 2003, pp.57-63
- 陳年興、黃武元、葛建志、蔡俊彥, 多媒體討論互動系統在數學教育應用之研究, 教學科技與媒體, Vol.61, 2002, pp.15-32 (NSC 91-MOE-S-110-002-X3)
- Yang, S. C., Chen, N-S, Chen, A. S., A student-generated web-based oral history project, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Vol.18, No.3, 2002 (Grant No. 89-H-FA07-1-4)
- 陳年興、林甘敏, 網路學習之學習行為與學習成效分析, 資訊管理學報, Vol.8, No.2, 2002, pp.121-133 (TSSCI)
- 陳年興、石岳峻, 建構式網路教學系統之設計準則、弁鄐尷R、實作與評估, 高雄餐旅學報, Vol.5, 2002, pp.13-31 (91-H-FA07-1-4)
- 陳年興、石岳峻, 網路學習對教育改革之影響及未來發展, 資訊與教育, No.92, 2002, pp.33-42 (91-H-FA07-1-4)
- 陳年興、林甘敏, 網路大學學習問題探討, 資訊管理研究, Vol.4, No.2, 2002, pp.65-85 (大學學術追求卓越計劃 Grant No. 90-H-FA07-1-4)
- 陳年興、林甘敏, 網路學習之學習行為與學習成效分析, 資訊管理學報, Vol.8, No.2, 2002, pp.121-133 ("大學學術追求卓越計畫 Grant No. 90-H-FA07-1-4, TSSCI")
- Nian-Shing Chen, Shin-Yi Huang, Applying Evolutionary Prototyping Model in Developing Stream-based Lecturing Systems, Journal of Interactive educational Multimedia, No.4, 2002, pp.62-75 (Grant No. 90-H-FA07-1-4)
- 陳年興, 石岳峻, 新世紀教學架構與教學設計, 資訊管理學報, Vol.7, No.2, 2001, pp.81-102 ("大學學術追求卓越計畫 Grant No. 89-H-FA07-1-4, TSSCI")
- 陳年興、石岳峻, 網路大學教學管理系統之探討, 華人企業論壇, 2000 (大學學術追求卓越計劃 Grant No. 89-H-FA07-1-4)
- 陳年興, 石岳峻, 網路大學教學管理系統之探討, 華人企業論壇, 2000
- 陳年興、林甘敏, 網路大學學習問題探討, 第五屆全球華人學習科技研討會, 2000, pp.1143-1150 (第五屆全球華人學習科技研討會, 中壢, 8-10, June)
- Nian-Shing Chen, Shin-Yi Huang, Applying Evolutionary Prototyping Model in Developing Stream-based Lecturing Systems, 2000 (NSC89-2511-S-110-004)
- 陳年興, 全球資訊網整合式學習環境Web-based Learning Environment, 資訊與教育, Vol.64, 1998, pp.2-13
- 陳年興, 王敏煌, 全球資訊網上教材製作輔助工具之研發, 隔空教育論叢, Vol.9, 1997, pp.77-104
- "陳年興, 楊子青, 賴宏仁", 以網際網路為基礎之學習環境, 電腦學刊, Vol.9, No.2, 1997, pp.16-32
- 陳年興, 曾建翰, 全球資訊網上WebTitle之製作, 遠距教育, Vol.2, 1997, pp.12-21
- 陳年興, 洪新原, 全球資訊網上發展群組軟體之研究, 資訊管理學報, Vol.3, No.1, 1996, pp.21-38 ("NSC 85-2213-E-110-012, TSSCI")
- 陳年興, 曾建翰, WebTitle豐富Internet上數位化學校的教材, 資訊與教育, Vol.55, 1996, pp.43-54
- 陳年興, 我國 Internet 發展的問題探討及未來推動方向, 電腦與通訊期刊, Vol.45, 1995, pp.3-11 (NSC 84-2416-H-110-009-F2)
- "Chen, N.S., Liang, T.P., Huang, C.S.", 群體電腦輔助教學環境之建置, 中山管理評論, Vol.3, No.3, 1995, pp.92-115 (NSC-85-2213-E-110-012)
- Chen, N.S., Liang, T.P., Lai, H.C., Wey, H.S., and Chen, M.C., Coordinating Multiple Tasks for Electronic Decision Support in a Distributed Environment, IEEE Computer, Vol.27, No.5, 1994, pp.73-79 (NSC-83-0301-H-110 -002)
- "Chen, N.S., Jones, M.C., Arnett, K.P., Tang, J.T.", A cross_culture study on perceptions of computer viruses, Journal of Computers & Security, Vol.12, 1993, pp.191-197 (NSC-80-0301-H-110-36-R)
- "Chen, N.S. and Huang, S.T.", Self-stabilizing depth-first token circulation on networks, Journal of Distributed Computing, Vol.7, 1993, pp.61-66
- Chen, N.S. and Huang, S.T., A self-stabilizing algorithm for constructing breadth-first trees, Information Processing Letters, Vol.41, 1992, pp.109-117
- "Chen, N.S., Huang, S.T. and Hsieh, K.C", Rearrangeability of cascaded delta networks, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.7, No.1, 1991, pp.1-12
- "Chen, N.S., Huang, S.T., Tripathi, S.K. and Tseng, Y.C", An efficient routing algorithm for realizing linear permutations on P-shuffle-exchange networks, IEEE Transaction on Computers, Vol.40, No.11, 1991, pp.1292-1298
- "Chen, N.S., Yu, F.P. and Huang, S.T", A self-stabilizing algorithm for constructing spanning trees, Information Processing Letters, Vol.39, 1991, pp.147-151
- "Chen, N.S., Huang, S.T. and Kuo, P.W", Termination detection on distributed computations by external agents, Computer Journal, Vol.1, No.1, 1989
- 陳年興、石岳峻, 新世紀教學架構與教學設計, 資訊管理學報, Vol.7, No.2, 1970, pp.81-102 (TSSCI)
- 賴思元, 洪逸群, & 陳年興, 探討體感學習者之專注度及放鬆度與心流經驗之關係, 19th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2015), Taipei, 2015 (MOST 103-2511-S-110-002-MY3, NSC 102-2911-I-110-501, NSC 101-2511-S-110-003-MY3)
- 王士杰, 洪逸群, 賴思元, & 陳年興., 研發適性化體感康健系統強化銀髮族功能性體適能, 2015全國計算機會議 (NCS 2015), Pingtung County, Taiwan, 2015
- 杜懷恩, 魏春旺, & 陳年興, 應用腦波儀發展思考風格學習策略之研究, 第二十一屆國際資訊管理暨實務研討會 (IMP 2015), Pingtung County, Taiwan, 2015
- 杜懷恩, 魏春旺, & 陳年興, 基於腦機介面設計適性化學習策略對學習成效之影響, 第十一屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 (TWELF 2015), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2015
- 李勻琳, 許鳳如, 陳年興, & 許秀桃, 探討銀髮族使用體感式體適能系統之運動成效, 19th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2015), Taipei, Taiwan, 2015 (NSC101-2511-S-110-- 003-MY3、100-2511-S-110-001-MY3,並且感謝南臺科技大學體育教育中心傅慧榕老師協助 指導功能體適運動動作設計)
- 呂信賢, 魏春旺, & 陳年興, 探討體感律動與電腦操作情境對於學習五線譜之影響, 19th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2015), Taipei, 2015
- 余美雪, 林莉純, & 陳年興, 翻轉教室學習者準備度量表設計與驗證, 第十一屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 (TWELF 2015), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2015
- Yuan, R.-Q., Hsieh, S.-W., Chew, S.-W., & Chen, N.-S., The effects of gesture-based technology on memory training in adaptive learning environment, 4th International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology (EITT 2015), Wuhan, China, 2015
- Yu, Z.-H., Hsieh, S.-W., & Chen, N.-S., Exploring the difference in attention levels of learners who like or dislike listening to music while studying, International Conference on Digital Learning Strategies and Applications (DLSA 2015), Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, 2015 (NSC-101-2511-S-110 -003 –MY3 and MOST-103-2511-S-110-002 -MY3.)
- Wei, C.-W., Chen, H.-H., Chen, N.-S., & Kinship., Enabling digital natives to fully immerse in learning-analyzing the effects of embodiment-based learning environments, 8th International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing (U-MEDIA 2015), Colombo, 2015
- Sheu, F.-S., Lee, Y.-L., Hsu, H.-T., & Chen, N.-S., Effects of Gesture-based Fitness Games on Functional Fitness of the Elders., 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2015), Hualien, Taiwan, 2015, pp.158-160 (MOST 103-2511-S-110-002-MY3 and NSC 101-2511-S-110-003-MY3.)
- Luo, B.-R., Lin, Y.-L., Chen, N.-S., & Fang, W.-C., Using Smartphone to Facilitate English Communication and Willingness to Communicate in a Communicative Language Teaching Classroom, 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2015), Hualien, Taiwan, 2015, pp.320-322 (MOST 103-2511-S-110-002-MY3, NSC 102-2911-I-110-501, and NSC 101-2511-S-110-003-MY3)
- Lu, H.-H., Wei, C.-W., Chew, S.-W., & Chen, N.-S., The potential of embodiment-based learning environments on basic music accomplishment, 23rd International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2015), Hangzhou, China, 2015
- Lan, Y.-L., Sung, Y.-T., Chen, N.-S., & Liu, T.-C., Mind and Body Learn Together-Embodied Cognition and Language Learning, 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2015), Hualien, Taiwan, 2015, pp.469-471 (NSC 101-2511-S- 003-031-MY3, MOST 103-2628-S-003-002-MY3 and NSC 104-2911-I-003-301.))
- Hung, I.-C., Kinshuk, & Chen, N.-S., An embodied design with collective intelligence for creating interactive video lectures, 2nd International Conference on Smart Learning Environments, Sinaia, Romania, 2015, pp.193-198 (NSC 101-2511-S-110-003-MY3, MOST 103-2511-S-110-002-MY3, MOST-104-2922-I-110-092, MOST 104-2511-S-110-007-MY3, and MOST 104-2511-S-110- 009-MY3.)
- Wang, S.-C., Hung, I.-C., Lin, L.-I., & Chen, N.-S., On the Design of Embodiment-based Gamification Activities for Learning Fundamental Projectile Motion. Paper presented at the The 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2014), The 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2014), Nara, Japan, 30~ 4 2014, pp.659-664 (MOST 103-2511-S-110-002-MY3, NSC 102-2911-I-110-501, NSC101-2511-S-110-003-MY3, and NSC 100-2511-S-110-001-MY3)
- Liu, M.-C., Su, Y.-N., Chen, N.-S., & Huang, Y.-M., Empowering mobile learning with socialized context sharing, The 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2014), Nara, Japan, 30~ 4 2014, pp.511-515 (NSC 103-2911-I-003-301, NSC 102-3113-P-006-019-, MOST 103-2511-S-006-007-MY3,and MOST 103-2511-S-006-002-MY3)
- 陳信宏, 魏春旺, & 陳年興, 體感式電子電路學習對於合作感知與社會沉浸之影響, 第十屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 (TWELF2014), 國立臺灣師範大學, 2014
- 許修豪, 洪逸群, & 陳年興, 體感式旗語學習系統之設計與評估, 全球華人計算機教育應用大會 (GCCCE 2014), 上海, 中國, 2014, pp.381-386 (NSC 102-2911-I-110-501, NSC101-2511-S-110-003-MY3 and NSC100-2511-S-110-001-MY3)
- 林鈺倫, 李勻琳, & 陳年興, 基於KINECT之學習系統開發問題探究, 全球華人計算機教育應用大會 (GCCCE 2014), 上海, 中國, 2014, pp.369-370 (NSC 102-2911-I-110-501, NSC101-2511-S-110-003-MY3 and NSC100-2511-S-110-001-MY3)
- 李勻琳, 許鳳如, 楊秀珍, 林鈺倫, & 陳年興, 銀髮族體感遊戲系統使用性初探, 全球華人計算機教育應用大會, 上海, 中國, 2014, pp.263-270 (NSC101-2511-S-110--003-MY3, 100-2511-S-110-001-MY3)
- 余宗翰, 謝盛文, & 陳年興, 不同聆聽音樂傾向之學習者在不同學習情境下其腦波專注度之差異, 第十屆台灣數位學習發展研討會, 國立臺灣師範大學, 2014
- Wei, C.-W., Chen, L.-L., & Chen, N.-S., Impacts of game-based feedback and peer interaction mechanisms on learning performance and system use, Intcess14- International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, ISTANBUL, Turkey., 2014
- Tsitmidelli, A., Zervas, P., Sampson, D., Chen, N.-S., & Kinshuk., Studying Research Collaboration via Co-authorship Analysis in the field of TeL: The Case of Educational Technology & Society Journal, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2014), Athens, Greece, 2014, pp.376-377
- Sheu, F.-R., Lee, Y.-L., Yang, S.-Y., & Chen, N.-S., User-Centered Design of Interactive Gesture-based fitness video game for elderly, International Conference on Smart Learning Environments (ICSLE 2014), Hong Kong, 2014, pp.379-382 (NSC101-2511-S-110-003-MY3 NSC100-2511-S-110-001-MY3)
- Chen, H. Y.-L., & Chen, N.-S., Design and Evaluation of a Flipped Course Adopting the Holistic Flipped Classroom Approach, EEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2014), Athens, Greece, 2014, pp.627-631 (NSC 101-2511-S-110--003-MY3 and 100-2511-S-110-001-MY3)
- Chang, W., Fang, W.-C., Lin, Y.-L., & Chen, N.-S., Gesture-facilitated Learning of English Word Stress Patterns, 2014 International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology (EITT2014), Brisbane, Australia, 2014, pp.37-42 (NSC 102-2911-I-110-501, NSC 101-2511-S-110-003-MY3, and NSC 100-2511-S-110-001-MY3)
- Hastie, M., Minamide, A., Takemata, K., Chen, N.-S., & Smith, R., Skilling Students in ICT using Long-Distance Controlled Robots over the Internet in a Blended Learning Setting, The 21st International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2013), Indonesia, 18~ 22 2013, pp.838-845
- 林興家, 魏春旺, & 陳年興, 體感式學習環境中適性化學習策略對學習成效之影響, 第9屆台灣數位學習發展研討會, 國立自然科學博物館, 2013
- Sheu, F.-R., Fang, W.-C., & Chen, N.-S., How gesture-based technology is used in education to support teaching and learning: A content analysis, The 21st International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2013), Indonesia, 2013, pp.463-468 (NSC 101-2511-S-110-003-MY3, NSC 100-2511-S-110-001-MY3, and NSC 99-2511-S-110-004-MY3.)
- Sheu, F.-R., Fang, W.-C., & Chen, N.-S., A Content Analysis of Journal Publication on Gesture-Based Computing in Education, the IEEE 13th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT2013), Beijing, China, 2013 (NSC 101-2511-S- 110-003-MY3, NSC 100-2511-S-110-001-MY3, and NSC 99-2511-S-110-004-MY3.)
- Mottus, A., Kinshuk, Graf, S., & Chen, N.-S., Visualization and Interactivity in the Teacher Decision Support System, The IEEE 13th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT2013), Beijing, China, 2013, pp.502-503 (NSERC, iCORE, Xerox, and Mr. A. Markin.)
- Hung, R.-H., Chen, N.-S., Kang, M.-G., McKenny, S., & Churchill., D., The Roles of Electronic Books in the Transformation of Learning and Instruction, the IEEE 13th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT2013), Beijing, China, 2013, pp.516-518 (unfeng YANG, Guangde XIAO, Yongbin HU, Chaohua GONG, Guan CHEN, Suzanna Loper, Jacqueline Barber, and Barry Fishman)
- Hung, I.-C., Wei, W.-C., & Chen, N.-S., Designing Dynamic Scaffolding Strategy for Improving Videobased Learning in a Gesture & Speech-based Learning Configuration, IEEE 13th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT2013), Beijing, China, 2013, pp.195-196 (NSC 101-2511-S-110-003-MY3, NSC 101-2917-I-110-001, NSC 101-2911-I-110-508, NSC 101-2511-S-269-002-MY3, NSC 100-2511-S-110-001-MY3, and NSC 99-2511-S-110-004-MY3.)
- Fang, W.-C., Lin, Y.-L., Sheu, F.-S., & Chen, N.-S., Exploring Problem Solving Performance through Natural Uuser Interfaces, IEEE 13th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Beijing, China, 2013, pp.232-234 (NSC 101-2511-S-110-003-MY3, NSC 100-2511-S-110-001-MY3, and NSC 99-2511-S-110-004-MY3)
- 陳俐伶, 魏春旺, & 陳年興., 遊戲回饋與同儕互動對於學習成效與學習系統使用意圖之影響, 第八屆台灣數位學習發展研討會, 2012 (SC101-2917-I-110-001, NSC101-2511-S-269-002-MY3, NSC100-2511-S-110-001-MY3, NSC100-2631-S-011-003 and NSC99-2511-S-110-004-MY3)
- 趙國仁, 吳純慧, 楊雯勝, & 陳年興, 協同式鷹架理論對於學習虛擬化及雲端運算之效果分析, 第八屆台灣數位學習發展研討會, 2012 (NSC 101-2511-S-151-001)
- 許殷嘉, 洪逸群, & 陳年興, 體感式操控學習策略對提升英文影片理解之研究, 第八屆台灣數位學習發展研討會, 2012 (NSC 101-2917-I-110-001, NSC 100-2511-S-110-001-MY3, NSC 100-2631-S-011-003 and NSC 99-2511-S-110-004-MY3)
- Yang, X. J., Hung, I.-C., Hwang, G.-J., Chen, N.-S., & Fang, W.-C., Effects of Video-Based Reflection Prompts on Learners’ Reflection Levels in a Context-Aware U-Learning Environment, The 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Rome, Italy, 2012, pp.263-267 (NSC101-2917-I-110-001, NSC 100-2511-S-110-001-MY3, NSC100-2631-S-011-003 and NSC 99-2511-S-110-004-MY3.)
- Yang, G., Wen, D., Kinshuk, Chen, N.-S., & Sutinen, E., Personalized Text Content Summarizer for Mobile Learning: An Automatic Text Summarization System with Relevance Based Language Model, IEEE Fourth International Conference on Technology for Education, Hyderabad, India, 2012, pp.90-97
- WEI, C.-W., Hsieh, Z.-H., Chen, N.-S., & Kinshuk., Construction of Reading Guidance Mechanism on E-book Reader Applications for Improving Learners’ English Comprehension Capabilities, The 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Rome, Italy, 2012, pp.170-172 (NSC 101-2917-I-110-001, NSC 100-2511-S-110-001-MY3, NSC 100-2631-S-011-003 and NSC 100-2511-S-269-001, NSERC, iCORE, Xerox, and the research-related funding by Mr. A. Markin.)
- McGreal, R., Sampson, D., Chen, N.-S., Kinshuk, Krishnan, M. S., & Huang, R. H., The Open Educational Resources (OER) movement: Free Learning for all Students, The 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Rome, Italy, 2012
- Kuo, T. C. T., Shadiev, R., Hwang, W. Y., & Chen, N. S., Effects of applying STR for group learning activities on learning performance in a synchronous cyber classroom. In I. Aedo, N. S. Chen & D. G. Sampson (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2011), Athens, GA: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2011, pp.232-236
- Teng, D. C. E., Chen, N. S., & Lee, C. H., Enhancing English reading comprehension by integrating direct access to digital materials and scaffolded questionings in paper prints. In I. Aedo, N. S. Chen & D. G. Sampson (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2011), Athens, GA: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2011, pp.244-248
- Hsiao, K. F., & Chen, N. S., The Development of the AR-Fitness System in Education. In M. Chang, M. P. Chen, W. Y. Hwang & W. Mueller (Eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on E-Learning and Games (Edutainment 2011), Taipei, Taiwan: Springer, 2011, pp.2-11
- Chen, N. S., Quadir, B., & Teng, D. C., A Novel Approach of Learning English with Robot for Elementary School Students. In M. Chang, M. P. Chen, W. Y. Hwang & W. Mueller (Eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on E-Learning and Games (Edutainment 2011), Taipei, Taiwan: Springer, 2011, pp.309-316
- Hung, I. C., Lee, L., Chao, K. J., & Chen, N. S., Applying ARCS model for enhancing and sustaining learning motivation in using robot as teaching assistant. In M. Chang, M. P. Chen, W. Y. Hwang & W. Mueller (Eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on E-Learning and Games (Edutainment 2011), Taipei, Taiwan: Springer, 2011, pp.334-341
- Wei, C. C., Chen, N. S., & Kinshuk., A Model for Social Presence in an Online Classroom, 18th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2010), Putrajaya, Malaysia, 2011, pp.718-722 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 and NSC99-2511-S-110-004-MY3)
- 陳年興, 洪逸群, & 李姈, 探討機器人小助教結合ARCS動機模型對學習動機之影響, 悅趣化數位學習國際學術研討會 (JEL2011), 墾丁, 2011, pp.37 (NSC 97-2511-S-110-005-MY3, NSC99-2631-S-011-002 & NSC99-2511-S-110-004-MY3)
- 陳年興, 魏春旺, & 黃彥傑, 探討紙本與數位教材整合學習系統對於學習成效之影響, 臺灣網際網路研討會 (TANET 2010), 臺南: 國立臺南大學, 2010, pp.11 (NSC99-2511-S-110-004-MY3, NSC 97-2511-S-110-005-MY3, & NSC99-2631-S-011-002)
- 陳年興, 魏春旺, & 黃一芳, 探討微網誌提問策略對學習者反思層次之影響, 第六屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 (TWELF 2010), 臺中縣: 亞洲大學, 2010, pp.13 (NSC99-2511-S-110-004-MY3, NSC 97-2511-S-110-005-MY3, & NSC99-2631-S-011-002)
- 陳年興, 魏春旺, & 謝宗翰, Podcasting應用於個人化課程複習之研究, 第六屆台灣數位學習發展研討會 (TWELF 2010), 臺中縣: 亞洲大學, 2010, pp.23 (NSC99-2511-S-110-004-MY3, NSC 97-2511-S-110-005-MY3, & NSC99-2631-S-011-002)
- 陳年興, 魏春旺, & 吳執維, 應用概念圖於同步網路教室之英文字彙教學設計, 2010年第十六屆資訊管理暨實務研討會 (IMP2010), 雲林: 雲林科技大學, 2010, pp.158 (NSC 97-2511-S-110-005-MY3, NSC99-2631-S-011-002 & NSC99-2511-S-110-004-MY3)
- 李政翰, 鄧佳恩, & 陳年興, 在紙本與數位教材整合環境中QR code自動化連結與提問式鷹架對英文閱讀成效之影響, 2010年第十六屆資訊管理暨實務研討會 (IMP2010), 雲林: 雲林科技大學, 2010, pp.144
- Teng, D. C.-E., Leo, T., Kinshuk, & Chen, N. S., A preliminary study on students' learning experience in an international online research seminar, IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA),, Timisoara, Romania, 2010, pp.63-70 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 and NSC99-2631-S-011-002)
- Chen, N. S., Hung, I. C., Lee, L., & Wei, C. W., Exploring the Impact of Children's Mathematics Learning in the Ubiquitous Learning System with Robot Learning Companion, Asia-Pacific Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning 2010 (APTEL2010), Kansai University, Japan, 2010 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3, NSC99-2511-S-110-004-MY3 and NSC99-2631-S-011-002)
- Chang, C. S., Liu, E. Z. F., Hu, D. C., & Chen, N. S., Developing a media literacy self-evaluation scale (MLSS) for Taiwanese elementary school students, Asia-Pacific Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning 2010 (APTEL2010), Kansai University, Japan, 2010 (NSC 98-2631-S-008-003, NSC 97-2511-S-008-003-MY3, and NSC 95-2520-S-032-007)
- Chen, N. S., Hung, I. C., & Wei, C. W., Developing Ubiquitous Learning System with Robots for Children's Learning, the Third IEEE International Conference on DIGITAL GAME AND INTELLIGENT TOY ENHANCED LEARNING (DIGITEL2010), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2010, pp.61-68 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 and NSC98-2631-S-024-001)
- Chen, N. S., Teng, C. E., & Lee, C. H., Augmenting Paper-based Reading Activities with Mobile Technology to Enhance Reading Comprehension, The 6th IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in Education (WMUTE2010), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2010, pp.201-203 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 and NSC98-2631-S-024-001)
- Chen, N. S., Wei, C. W., & Liu, C. C., Effects of Adaptive Reflection Teaching Strategies on Learners’ Reflection Levels in a Web-based Learning Environment, the IEEE 10th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, (ICALT 2010), Sousse, Tunisia, 2010, pp.241-245 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 and NSC 98-2631-S-024-001)
- Leone, S., Leo, T., & Chen, N. S., An Integrated Model of Synchronous Cyber Assessment and Blended Learning Environment for Foreign Language Learners, the IEEE 10th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, (ICALT 2010), Sousse, Tunisia, 2010, pp.110-112
- 謝盛文, 張育瑞, 陳年興, & 黃國禎, 適性化反思提問機制對於u-learning學習者反思層次之影響, 2010電子商務研討會, 台北, 台灣, 2010, pp.25-26 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 and NSC 98-2631-S-024-001)
- 陳年興, 魏春旺, 楊琇鈞, & 洪逸群, 整合書本、數位教材與機器人輔助國小學童英語學習, 第二十一屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM2010), 台南, 台灣, 2010, pp.45 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 and NSC 98-2631-S-024-001)
- Chen, N. S., Kinshuk, Wei, C. W., & Wang, M. J., A Framework for Social Presence in Synchronous Cyber Classrooms, the IEEE 9th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, (ICALT 2009), Riga, Latvia, 15~ 17 2009, pp.40-44 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 & NSC97-2631-S-024-002)
- Chen, N. S., Wei, C. W., & Chen, W. S., Developing a GroupNet system to Solve Groupthink Problem, the IEEE 9th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, (ICALT 2009), Riga, Latvia, 15~ 17 2009, pp.264-266 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 & NSC97-2631-S-024-002)
- Leo, T., Manganello, F., Pennacchietti, M., Pistoia, A., Kinshuk, & Chen, N. S., Online Synchronous Instruction: Challenges and Solutions, the IEEE 9th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, (ICALT 2009), Riga, Latvia, 15~ 17 2009, pp.489-491 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 & NSC97-2631-S-024-002)
- 陳年興, 魏春旺, & 劉新茹, 線上跨國協同教學之評估準則, 第十三屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會(GCCCE2009), 台北:福華文教會館, 25~ 28 2009, pp.1988 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 and NSC97-2631-S-024- 002)
- Chen, N. S., Wei, C. W., & Liao, S. J., Design and Implementation of a Transportable Digital Learning Center, 第20國際資訊管學術研討會(ICIM2009), 台北:世新大學, 23~ 2009, pp.162 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 and NSC97-2631-S-024- 002)
- 陳年興, 魏春旺, & 黃一芳, 同步網路考試之設計實施與潛在問題探討, 第20國際資訊管學術研討會(ICIM2009), 台北:世新大學, 23~ 2009, pp.554 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 and NSC97-2631-S-024- 002)
- Chen, N. S., & Ko, L., Online Interpreting Test in Synchronous Cyber Classrooms, the International Workshop on Technology for Education (T4E’09), Bangalore, India, 2009, pp.25-32 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 and NSC 98-2631-S-024-001)
- Chen, N. S., Wei, C. W., & Huang, I. F., Design and Implementation of Synchronous Cyber Assessment and Its Potential Issues, the 17th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2009), Hong Kong, 2009 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 & NSC98-2631-S-024-001)
- Chen, N. S., Wei, C. W., & Hwang, Y. J., Analyzing Critical Functions of Recording Tools for Synchronous Cyber Classroom Instructions, the Technology Enhanced Learning Conference 2009 (TELearn2009), 2009 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3 and NSC98-2631-S-024-001)
- Hastie, M., Chen, N. S., & Leeming, D., Using Technology Enhanced Learning Solutions to Build Bridges Across the Digital Divide Towards ‘Empowerment’ in Australia and the Asia-Pacific Region, the Technology Enhanced Learning Conference 2009 (TELearn 2009), 2009
- 陳年興, 魏春旺, & 黃彥傑, 網路教學錄製工具之重要功能構面分析與探討, 第五屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2009), 2009 (NSC97-2511-S-110-005-MY3and NSC97-2631-S-024- 002)
- Manganello, F., Pennacchietti1, M., Pistoia, A., & Chen, N. S., Experimenting collaborative teaching in a virtual learning environment: a case study, Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Interactive Computer aided Learning (ICL2008), Villach, Austria, 24~ 26 2008
- Chen, N. S., Wei, C. W., Uden, L., & Wu, K. T., Effects of Reflective Teaching Strategies on Online Learners' Reflection Levels, the IEEE 8th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, (ICALT 2008), Santander, Spain, 1~ 5 2008, pp.384-386 (NSC 95 -2520 -S -110 -001 -MY2)
- Chen, N.S., Wang, Y.P., Wu, P.J. & Levy. M., Developing a Pedagogically Meaningful E-tutor Training Program for Cyber Face-to-Face Language Teaching, The 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT-2008), Santander, Spain, 1~ 5 2008, pp.361-365 (NSC 95 -2520 -S -110 -001 -MY2)
- Hastie, M., Chen, N.S. & Todd, R.J., Multiple participants, multiple locations, multiple time zones and multitasking in the synchronous cyber classroom, The 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT-2008), Santander, Spain, 1~ 5 2008, pp.654-656
- Chen, N. S., Hsieh, S. W., Wei, C. W., & Hung, I. C., Designing Token Management Mechanism for Ubiquitous Learning in the GroupNet Environment, 第三屆行動與無所不在數位學習研討會 (UbiLearn 2008), 臺南:臺南大學, 30~ 31 2008
- Nian-Shing Chen, Sheng-Wen Hsieh, Chun-Wang Wei and I-Chun Hung, Designing Token Management Mechanism for Ubiquitous Learning in the GroupNet Environment, 第三屆行動與無所不在數位學習研討會 (UbiLearn 2008), 臺南:臺南大學, 30~ 31 2008
- Chen, N. S., Wang, Y., & Wu, P. J. , A Reflective Teacher Training Model for Online Synchronous Language Teaching, 第十九屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM2008), 南投:國立暨南國際大學, 16~ 17 2008, pp.231
- Chen, N. S., Wu, P. J., & Liu, C. C., Evaluation Criteria for Pre-recorded Lecture on Demand, 第十九屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM2008), 南投:國立暨南國際大學, 16~ 17 2008, pp.76 (NSC 95-2520-S-110-001-MY2)
- Chen, N. S., Shih, J. L., Jussi, N., & Tsai, C. C., The Use of Knowledge Management System for Technology-Enhanced Collaborative Research, the Technology Enhanced Learning Conference, (TELEARN 2008), Hanoi, Vietnam, 4~ 6 2008, pp.125
- Hastie, M., Chen, N. S., & Smith, R., Collaborate or Perish: Educational Imperatives for International Collaboration in the Anywhere Anytime Digital Marketplace, Paper presented at the Technology Enhanced Learning Conference, (TELearn 2008), Hanoi, Vietnam, 4~ 6 2008, pp.130
- Ko, L., & Chen, N. S., Conducting Interpreting Tests Online: A Pilot Study, Paper presented at the AUSIT Biennial National Conference, The University of Queensland, Australia, 14~ 15 2008
- "陳年興, 魏春旺, 吳昆庭", 反思學習策略對於網路學習者反思層次之影響., 第四屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2008), 臺中:國立臺中教育大學, 16~ 17 2008, pp.31 (NSC 95-2520-S-110-001-MY2)
- "陳年興, 魏春旺, 莊育承", 先備知識診斷搭配數位教材輔助機制對於合作學習成效之影響, 第四屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2008), 臺中:國立臺中教育大學, 16~ 17 2008, pp.41 (NSC 95-2520-S-110-001-MY2)
- "陳年興, 魏春旺, 劉新茹", 應用TPCK分析教師在職進修網路課程─以數學遊戲教學為例, 第四屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2008), 臺中:國立臺中教育大學, 16~ 17 2008, pp.96 (NSC 95-2520-S-110-001-MY2)
- "Nian-Shing Chen, Ping-Ju Wu, Chia-Chi Liu", Evaluation Criteria for Pre-recorded Lecture on Demand, 第十九屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM2008), 南投:國立暨南國際大學, 16~ 17 2008, pp.76 (NSC 95-2520-S-110-001-MY2)
- "Nian-Shing Chen,Yuping Wang,Ping-Ju Wu", A Reflective Teacher Training Model for Online Synchronous Language Teaching, 第十九屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM2008), 南投:國立暨南國際大學, 16~ 17 2008, pp.231 (NSC 95-2520-S-110-001-MY2)
- "謝盛文,陳年興 ,吳秀珠,黃志成", 發展同步網路教學資訊系統之品質量表, 2008 學習科技與優使性國際研討會(ICULT 2008), 台北:淡江大學, 02~ 03 2008, pp.136-146
- "謝盛文, 陳年興, 黃志成", 以行動研究法探討武術教學如何以網路教學方式進行, 第四屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2008), 臺中:國立臺中教育大學, 16~ 17 2008, pp.85 ("NSC 95-2520-S-110-001-MY2,96-2412-H-269-001-SSS")
- "Nian-Shing Chen,Kinshuk,Chun-Wang Wei,and Wei-Sheng Chen", A GroupNet System for Supporting Mobile Learning, IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia 2007 (ISM2007), "Taichung,Taiwan", 10~ 12 2007
- "陳年興,謝盛文,魏春旺,蔡俊毅", 採用引用分析尋找關鍵文獻之專家系統, 第十三屆資訊管理暨實務研討會(CSIM2007), 高雄:樹德科技大學, 08~ 2007
- "陳年興,謝盛文,吳秀珠", 應用焦點團體探討影響網路同步教學品質之關鍵變數, 第十三屆資訊管理暨實務研討會(CSIM2007), 高雄:樹德科技大學, 08~ 2007
- "陳年興,郭彥宏,朱家賢", 資訊呈現方式對資訊再利用之影響, 第十三屆資訊管理暨實務研討會(CSIM2007), 高雄:樹德科技大學, 08~ 2007
- "Nian-Shing Chen,Chun-Wang Wei,Kinshuk,Siang-Jhih Liao", Blended Synchronous Learning Model for Integrated Physical F2F and Cyber F2F Learning Environment, "The 18th International Conference on Information Managment,ICIM2007", "Taipei,Taiwan", ~ 2007
- "陳年興,謝盛文,蔡俊毅,范瑞珠", 以引用分析為基礎找尋關鍵文獻之專家系統, "第十八屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM2007)", 台北:銘傳大學, ~ 2007
- "陳年興,謝盛文,鄭百勝", 研究利用關聯法則挖掘資訊管理領域之知識結構圖, TANET 2006台灣網際網路研討會, 花蓮:花蓮教育大學, ~ 2006, pp.82
- "陳年興,魏春旺,莊育承", 基於MISQ關鍵字分類架構採用多層級關聯規則探勘法建構資管領域之多層級概念圖, 第十二屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, 雲林:虎尾科技大學, ~ 2006, pp.46
- "陳年興,魏春旺,陳信宏", 以視覺化方式呈現研究者之共同研究關係網路, 第十二屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, 雲林:虎尾科技大學, ~ 2006, pp.182
- "陳年興,魏春旺,吳昆庭,陵p銜", 程序目標和結果目標對於網路學習者之學習成效影響, 第十二屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, 雲林:虎尾科技大學, ~ 2006, pp.211
- "陳年興,謝盛文,陳怡如", 探討新一代混成學習模式之學習成效, TANET 2006台灣網際網路研討會, 花蓮:花蓮教育大學, ~ 2006, pp.99
- "Chen,N.S.,Hsieh,S.W.,Kinshuk", Adaptive Language Learning based on Learner's STM ability in M-learning Environment, The 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies(ICALT2006), "Kerkrade,The Netherlands", ~ 2006, pp.1174-1175
- "Chen,N.S.,Kinshuk,Wang,C.W.,Chen,H.J.", Mining e-Learning Domain Concept Map from Academic Articles, The 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies(ICALT2006), "Kerkrade,The Netherlands", ~ 2006, pp.694-698
- "Chen,N.S.,Kinshuk,Hsieh,S.W.,Yang,Stephen J.H.", nteraction Comparison between Traditional Classroom and Cyber Classroom Using Transactional Distance, The 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies(ICALT2006), "Kerkrade,The Netherlands", ~ 2006, pp.626-628
- "陳年興,魏春旺,陳怡如", 混成學習環境下學生班級氣氛知覺與學習成效之研究, 第17屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 高雄:義守大, ~ 2006, pp.387-394
- "陳年興,魏春旺,陵p銜", 網路學習之適性化教學設計與學習成效評估, "第八屆全國資訊管理博士生學術交流研討會", "苗栗,西湖渡假村", ~ 2006
- "Rogers,P.C.,Chen,N.S.,Ercoli,G.,Cronje,J.,Lataeif,R.,Klein,R.", Mobile Technologies and NGOs: Future Challenges and Opportunities in Suburban and Rural Areas, "IST-Africa 2006 Conference Proceedings,Paul Cunningham and Miriam Cunningham (Eds). IIMC International Information Management Corporation", 2006
- "Hastie,M.,Chen,N.S.", Working brain-to-brain: ‘real learning’ - teacher-directed online live lessons using a synchronous cyber classroom, The Australian Computers in Education Conference 2006 (ACEC 2006)., Australian, 2006
- "郭順賢, 謝盛文, 陳年興", 起落航線數位視聽教材發展應用之研究, 全國計算機會議, 台南:崑山科技大學, 15~ 16 2005, pp.1-20
- "陳年興,林信惠,魏春旺", 影響網路學習環境中學習者知識分享因素之探討, 第十一屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, 台北:實踐大學, 10~ 2005, pp.1205-1221
- "陳年興,謝盛文,謝財旺", 手機上行動廣告表現方式與個人短期記憶能力導向對廣告溝通效果之影響, 第十一屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, 台北:實踐大學, 10~ 2005, pp.2790-2807
- "Nian-Shing Chen,Sheng-Wen Hsieh", Evaluation of Mobile Advertisement Effect Using Information Processing Theory, The 14th International Conference on Comparative Management: New Challenges in Asia Pacific Economy(ICCM2005), Kaohsiung-Taiwan, 09~ 10 2005, pp.3-1-27-41
- "陳年興,謝盛文,黃盟升", 以互動性距離理論來探討傳統教室、遠距教室與網路同步教室之學習滿意度差異, TANET 2005台灣網際網路研討會, 台中:中興大學, ~ 2005, pp.74
- "陳年興,葉筱蘋,林甘敏", 以結構化觀察法解析混成教學與網路教學對學生之學習成效與問題解決能力之影響, TANET 2005台灣網際網路研討會, 台中:中興大學, ~ 2005, pp.74
- "陳年興,謝盛文,鄭百勝", 自動化建構具時間向度之知識概念圖--以資訊管理領域之知識及其演進為例, TANET 2005台灣網際網路研討會, 台中:中興大學, ~ 2005, pp.65
- "Alexei Tretiakov,Nian-Shing Chen,Kinshuk & Sven Hartmann", Formal Logic as a Learning Facilitation Tool, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies(ICALT 2005), Kaohsiung-Taiwan, 05~ 08 2005, pp.459-463
- "Nian-Shing Chen,Kinshuk & Yi-Hung Wang", Cyber Schooling Framework: Improving Mobility and Situated Learning, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Kaohsiung-Taiwan, 05~ 08 2005, pp.290-292
- "張原禎,陳年興", 中小學教師網路進修方案-以台北縣K12數位常校為例, 數位學習設計與管理學術研討會, 嘉義:嘉義大學, 15~ 2005, pp.47
- "Yueh-Chun Shih,Nian-Shing Chen", "Relationship Among Entrepreneurship,Learning Strategies,Performance in Missionbased Learning Activities", 9th Annual Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education Proceeding(GCCCE 2005), Brigham Young University Hawaii, ~ 2005, pp.993-1001
- "陳年興,陳怡如,林甘敏", 純網路班與混成班學習成效與班級氣氛之分析比較, 第十六屆國際資訊管理學術研討會 (ICIM2005), 台北:輔仁大學, 28~ 2005, pp.64
- "謝盛文,陳年興", 行動廣告呈現方式與短期記憶能力導向對廣告效果之影響, 第十六屆國際資訊管理學術研討會((ICIM2005), 台北:輔仁大學, 28~ 2005, pp.195
- "陳弘哲,謝盛文,陳年興", 自動化建構eLearning領域之知識結構映射圖, 第十六屆國際資訊管理學術研討會 (ICIM2005), 台北:輔仁大學, 28~ 2005, pp.117
- 陳年興、陳弘哲、謝盛文, 實體班與網路班學員對於網路學習之學習成效比較分析, TANET 2004台灣網際網路研討會, 台東, 27~ 29 2004 (國科會NSC92-2511-S-110-001-X3)
- 陵p銜、石岳峻、陳年興, 以SOLO分類評量網路學習者之學習成效與課程滿意度, TANET 2004台灣網際網路研討會, 台東, 27~ 29 2004 (國科會NSC92-2511-S-110-001-X3)
- 汪承蓉、陳年興, 網路教學線上即時授課之問題探討與解決方法, TANET 2004台灣網際網路研討會, 台東, 27~ 29 2004 (國科會NSC92-2511-S-110-001-X3)
- 陳明君、蔣振宇、余憲政、陳年興, Access Grid超級視訊格網在網路教學上的應用探討, TANET 2004台灣網際網路研討會, 台東, 27~ 29 2004 (國網中心超級視訊格網計畫93A2067701)
- "Nian-Shing Chen,Kinshuk,Hsiu-Chia Ko,Taiyu Lin.", Synchronous Learning Model over the Internet, ICALT2004, "Joensuu,Finland", ~ 2004, pp.505-509 (NSC92-2213-E-110-041)
- 黃琬婷、謝盛文、陳年興, 自動建構具時間向度之知識概念圖-以資訊管理領域之知識及其演進為例, 第十五屆國際資訊管理學術研討會 (ICIM2004), 中原大學, 29~ 2004
- 林甘敏、陳年興, e-Learning個人不同層面學習滿意度之比較分析-網路大學資管碩士學份班, 第十五屆國際資訊管理學術研討會 (ICIM2004), 中原大學, 29~ 2004
- 陳芸霈、謝盛文、陳年興, 學習歷程記錄檔動態建構決策法則以支援適性化教學, 第十五屆國際資訊管理學術研討會 (ICIM2004), 中原大學, 29~ 2004
- "Nian-Shing Chen,Kan-Min Lin,Kinshuk", ssessmet of E-learning Satisfaction From Critical Incidents Perspective, ICEIS, Porto - Portugal, 14~ 17 2004 (NSC91-2511-S-110-004)
- 謝盛文、陳道輝、陳年興, 利用知識關聯圖達到外顯知識分享之研究, 全國計算機會議(NSC2003), 逢甲大學, ~ 2003, pp.419-426 (NSC92-2213-E-110-041)
- 謝盛文、陳年興, 由學習者屬性來自動推薦最適學習科目-以中山網路大學為例, 全國計算機會議(NSC2003), 逢甲大學, ~ 2003, pp.40-47 (NSC92-2213-E-110-041)
- 陳芸霈、謝盛文、陳年興, 從學習歷程記錄檔動態建構決策樹以支援適性化教學, 全國計算機會議(NSC2003), 逢甲大學, ~ 2003 (NSC92-2213-E-110-041)
- 陳年興、呂炳輝, 完整行動化學習環境之探討-行動學校、行動教室、行動講台與行動書桌, TANET 2003台灣網際網路研討會, ~ 2003 (NSC91-2511-S-110-004)
- 黃武元、竟a隆、陳年興、洪雪芬, 同儕式多媒體討論區促進數學問題解決之研究-以分數除法為例, TANET 2003台灣網際網路研討會, ~ 2003 (NSC92-2511-S-110-001-X3)
- 施勝傑、陳年興, 網路教學同步式線上 office hours 之問題與對策-以中山網路大學為例, TANET 2003台灣網際網路研討會, ~ 2003
- "Yueh-Chun Shih,Nian-Shing Chen", Theoretical Analysis of Mission-Based Learning Model, ICALT, "Athens, Greece", 09~ 11 2003 (91-H-FA0 7-1-4 .NSC92-2511-S-110-001-X3)
- 林甘敏、陳年興、張青桃, "E-learning Factors on Achievement: learner characteristic,satisfaction,and devotion", 第十四屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM2003), 國立中正大學, ~ 2003, pp.1499
- 黃琬婷、謝盛文、陳年興, 不同虛據組織利用網路教學平台導入知識管理之探討, 第十四屆國際資訊管理學術研討會(ICIM2003), 國立中正大學, ~ 2003 (NSC91-2511-S-110-004)
- 陳年興、廖聖傑, 網路學習標準-測驗向度之比較分析, 第三屆網路教學系統平台與內容標準化學術研討會, 高雄師範大學, ~ 2003, pp.19-24 (NSC90-2511-S-110-009)
- 陳年興、魏銪志、蕭群祐、林秉忠, 高速乙太網路下網路型入侵偵測系統比較測試, TANET 2003台灣網際網路研討會, 2003
- "Chen,N.S.,Shih,Y.C.", .Mission-Based Learning Model and Its Instructional Activity Design, International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2002), New Zealand, 03~ 06 2002 (Grant No. 90-H-FA07-1-4)
- Chen, N.S., Huang, H.Y., Factors Affecting Usage of Web-based Teachers' Training in Elementary and High School, International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2002), New Zealand, 03~ 06 2002 (Grant No. 90-H-FA07-1-4,International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2002))
- 陳年興, 網路教學的課程設計與班級經營, 網路教學與圖書資訊學應用研討會, 台北, 14~ 15 2002, pp.19-36 (國科會 NSC91-2511-S110-004)
- "Chen,N.S.,Lin,K.M", Factors affecting e-learning achievement, ICALT2002, Russia, 09~ 12 2002
- "Shirley O'Neill,Chen Nial-Shing,Li Min-Lee (Sylvia),Mokoto Kageto and Laurence Quinlivan", Asian Student Exchange Program (ASEP): Students' and teachers' perceptions of English language learning in the global collaborative context, ROMELIA第六屆國際電腦多媒體語文教學研討會, 高雄, 19~ 21 2002, pp.62-79
- 陳年興、陳得利, 歷程檔案評量系統之設計與實作, 第六屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會暨全國教育資訊化論壇, 北京, ~ 2002 (NSC89-2511-S-110-004)
- 陳年興、孫振凱, 利用網頁建構知識分布圖以輔助線上學習, 第六屆全球華人計算機教育運用大會, 北京師範大學, ~ 2002, pp.326-334 (國科會NSC90-2511-S-110-009)
- 陳年興、洪雪芬、黃金鐘, 中小學教師在職進修網路開課問題探討--以k12數位學校為例, 清華大學主辦之2002網路與社會研討會, ~ 2002 (,論文編號:C02-034。國科會NSC90-MOE-S-110-002-X3)
- 陳年興、孫振凱, 透過網頁分析建構知識分佈圖以輔助線上教學, 第十三屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 台北淡江大學, ~ 2002, pp.675-682
- 陳年興、謝章冠, 網路學習之學習路徑控制, 第十三屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, ~ 2002 (大學學術追求卓越計畫(90-H-FA07-1-4))
- 陳年興、黃欣儀, 採用動機取向結合TAM探討教師網路進修使用程度之研究, 第十三屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, ~ 2002 (大學學術追求卓越計畫(90-H-FA07-1-4))
- "Chen,N.S.,Shih Y.C.", The Analysis and Implementation of E-Learning Park, ICCE2001, Korea, ~ 2001, pp.690-693 (Grant No. 90-H-FA07-1-4)
- "Chen,N.S.,Lin,K.M.", Factors in Taiwan e-learning for achievement, ICCE2001, Korea, ~ 2001, pp.85-92
- 陳年興、黃欣儀, 串流式授課系統之開發, TANET 2001 & ELCPE 2001, 嘉義, 24~ 26 2001, pp.220-225 (大學學術追求卓越計畫(90-H-FA07-1-4))
- 陳年興、謝章冠, 網路教學系統之學習路徑控制分析與設計, TANET 2001 & ELCPE 2001, 嘉義, 24~ 26 2001, pp.248-253 (大學學術追求卓越計畫(90-H-FA07-1-4))
- 陳年興、蔡旻芳, 網路學習之學習歷程分析系統, TANET 2001 & ELCPE 2001, 嘉義, 24~ 26 2001, pp.231-236
- 陳年興、陳俊彰, 網頁上教師知識分布圖之發掘, 第七屆海峽兩岸資訊管理發展戰略研討會論文集, Vol.7, ~ 2001, pp.320-323
- 陳年興、林甘敏, 網路大學學習問題探討, 第五屆全球華人學習科技研討會, 中壢, 08~ 10 2001, pp.1143-1150
- 陳年興、石岳峻, 建置學習網站之可行性分析與效益評估 ─以國立高雄嶽?ヶ|為例, 第五屆全球華人學習科技研討會, 2001 (NSC89-2511-S-110-004)
- 陳年興、李旻俐、孫政美, 網路平台英語教學課程之個案研究, 2001年資訊素養於終身學習社會國際研討會論文集, 2001
- 陳年興、林甘敏, 網路學習之學習行為與學習成效分析, 第十二屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 2001 (大學學術追求卓越計畫(89-H-FA07-1-4))
- "Chen,N.S.,Shih,Y.C.", Stream-based Lecturing System and Its Instructional Design, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2001
- 陳年興、石岳峻, 網路學習園區的經營模式與實作, 第十二屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 2001 (NSC89-2511-S-110-004)
- "Chen,N.S.,Lin,K.M.", Exploring Learning Problems of Cyber University, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2001
- 陳年興,石岳峻,陳品仲, 多媒體式的議題討論在網路教學的應用, 中華民國九十年全國計算機會議空間資訊與資訊教育論文集, Vol.K, 臺北:文化大學, 2001, pp.222-229 ((90-H-FA07-1-4))
- "Chen,N.S.,Shih,Y.C.", The Operational Model and Framework of Cyber School Learning Park, "In Kinshuk,Jesshope C. & Okamoto T. (Ed.). Advanced Learning Technology: Design and Development Issues", "Los Alamitos,CA:IEEE Computer Society", ~ 2000, pp.235-236 (Grant No. 89-H-FA07-1-4)
- "Chen,N.S.,Hu,F.Y.", The Impact of Learning Style on Group Cooperative Learning, ICCE/ICCAI 2000, ~ 2000, pp.585-590
- "Chen,N.S.,Shih,Y.C.", Design and Evaluation of Constructivist Web-based Instructional Systems, ICCE/ICCAI 2000, ~ 2000, pp.500-504 (Grant No. 89-H-FA07-1-4)
- "Chen,N.S.,Lee Y.H.", Group Composition Methods for Cooperative Learning in Web-based Instructional systems, ICCE/ICCAI 2000, ~ 2000, pp.1535-1538 (Grant No. 89-H-FA07-1-4)
- 陳年興、李郁菁, 影響虛擬社群成員忠誠度之因素探討, 管理信息系統研討新進度—第十五屆全國管理信息系統學術論文集, 2000, pp.74-78
- 陳年興、石岳峻, 新世紀教學架構與教學設計, 第七屆三軍官校基礎學術研討會, 2000
- 陳年興、石岳峻, 網路大學教學管理系統之探討, 虛擬大學之組織與管理研討會, 2000
- 陳年興、石岳峻, 新世紀教學架構, 全球華人計算機教育研討會, 新加坡, 2000, pp.780-787
- 陳年興、石岳峻, 建構式網路教學系統設計原則與評量結果, 2000資管年會, 2000
- "Chen,N.S.,Shih,Y.C.", Instructional Framework and Its Design for the New Millennium, "Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic Business,Science,and Education on the Internet", Italy, 2000 (Grant No. 89-H-FA07-1-4)
- 陳年興、石岳峻, 建構式網路教學系統設計原則, 全球華人計算機教育研討會, 新加坡, 2000, pp.642-644
- 陳年興, 網路社群中電子語言使用之分析, 第五屆資訊管理研究暨實務研討會, 1999, pp.119
- "Chen, N.S., Shih, Y.C.", " The Conceptual Model of Web-Based Instruction System and Its Implementation. In Cumming G., Okamoto T., & L. Gometz (Eds.)", Advanced research in computers and communications in education: New human abilities for the networked society, Vol.2, 1999, pp.780-783 (Amsterdam: IOS Press.)
- 陳年興、石岳峻, 整合式遠距教學之課程設計,教育科技與研究, 教學專業研討會暨工作坊, 1999
- 陳年興、李旻俐, 如何運用網際網路工具於彈性教學中, TANet 研討會論文集, 1999
- 陳年興、石岳峻, 網路教學系統之弁鄐尷R與實作, 中華民國第十三屆電腦輔助教學研討會, 1999, pp.81-104
- 陳年興、劉惠如, 整合式網路教學之教學設計與評量, 1999資管年會, 1999
- 陳年興, 電子商務之網路商店弁鉬搢D與設計, 第八屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文集, 1997, pp.570-577
- 陳年興, Intranet弁酮[構之研究, 第八屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文集, 1997, pp.652-659
- 陳年興, Web上Courseware製作之輔助工具, 第八屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文集, 1997, pp.667-674
- 陳年興、徐雄宏, WWW 上辦公室自動化發展環境之研究, 第七屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 1996, pp.305-311
- 陳年興, Taiwan Internet Development, ERI’96, 1996, pp.29-36
- 陳年興、洪新原, 在全球資訊網上發展群組軟體之研究, 第七屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 1996, pp.242-254
- 陳年興、曾建翰, 在 WWW 上製作 WebTitle 之研究, 第七屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 1996, pp.270-277
- 陳年興、王仲益, 通用型群組軟體發展環境之研發, 第七屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 1996, pp.222-231
- 陳年興、羅春長, Web 上主動式文件與可移動代理程式之研發, 第七屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 1996, pp.278-284
- 陳年興、賴宏仁、楊子青, Intelligent Agent 的整合性弁酮[構, 第七屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 1996, pp.322-330
- 陳年興、趙國仁, 群體軟體弁鉏狾﹞峔ぁ韞[值式開發方法, 第六屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 1995, pp.531-538 (計畫編號:MOECC83-A011)
- "Chen, N.S., Hsu, M.H.", Developing Groupware Applications Using Middleware Support, Third Iternational Conference of ISDSS, 1995, pp.443-451 (計畫編號:NSC-84-2416-H-110 -09 -F2)
- 陳年興、梁定澎, 群體軟體在CAI上之應用, 教育部電算中心委託研究計畫成果發表會論文集, 1995, pp.131-157
- 陳年興, 如何運用電腦網路創造新一代教學環境, 全球INTERNET對教學環境之衝擊研討會論文集, 1995
- "Chen, N.S., Chao, K.J.", Developing Groupware Applications Using Client-Server with Event-Pipe Method, Pan Pacific Conference on Information Systems, 1995, pp.30-36 (計畫編號:NSC-84-2416-H-110 -09 -F2)
- 陳年興、梁定澎、黃錦祥, 多媒體群體電腦輔助教學環境之建置, 第一即時與媒體系統研討會論文集, 1995, pp.277-283
- 陳年興、陳天亮、洪國書、謝伯昌、蘇柏胡、梁定澎, 群體支援系統之發展架構, 資訊管理學會年會論文集, 1994, pp.54-62
- 陳年興、范錚強、陳文生, 迎接資訊社會的管理教育對策 -- 由台灣學術網路的經驗談起, 第六屆中華民國管理教育研討會論文集, 1994, pp.489-498
- "Chen, N.S., Jones, M.C., Arnett, K.P. and Tang, J.T.", A cross_cultural study on perceptions of computer viruses, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Comparative Management, 1992, pp.372-375 (計畫編號:NSC-80-0301-H-110 -36 -R)
- "Chen, N.S.,Chen, P.H.", " On the study of research framework,systematic analysis and protection strategies for computer viruses", Third National Conference on Information Management, 1992, pp.187-192 (計畫編號:NSC-80-0301-H-110 -36 -R)
- "Chen, N.S.,Lin, C.Y. and Huang, S.T.", Routing control of multi-staged combination networks, International Computer Symposium, 1989, pp.1465-1471
- "Chen, N.S., Huang, S.T. and Hsieh, K.C.", Rearrangeability of cascaded delta networks, International Computer Symposium, 1989, pp.1460-1464
- Wei, C. W., Hung, I. C., Kinshuk, & Chen, N. S., Analyzing Critical Functions of Recording Tools for Synchronous Cyber Classroom Instruction. Handbook on Intelligent and Adaptive Learning Systems: Technology Enhanced Support for Learners and Teachers, New York, IGI Global, 2011 (pages 250-263)
- Uden, L., Chen, N. S., Wei, C. W., & Fan, J. C., Online Synchronous English Learning from Activity THeory Perspectives. In M. Chang & C. W. Kuo (Eds.), Learning Culture and Language through ICTs: Methods for Enhanced Instruction, New York: IGI Global, 2009 (pp. 1-20)
- Chen, N. S., Wei, C. W., Kinshuk, Chen, Y. R., & C., W. Y., Bridging the Gap Between Face-to-Face and Cyber Interaction in Holistic Blended Learning Environments. In H. H. Adelsberger, P. Kinshuk, J. M. Pawlowski & D. Sampson (Eds.), Handbook on Information Technologies for Education and Training, New York: Springer, 2008 (Book Chapters:239-259)
- Goh, T. T., Kinshuk, & Chen, N. S., Evaluating Learner Satisfaction in a Multiplatform e-Learning System. In J. Lumsden (Ed.), Handbook of Research on User Interface Design and Evaluation for Mobile Technology, Information Science Reference, 2008 (Book Chapters:1079-1099)
- 陳年興,楊錦潭, 數位學習理論與實務, 博碩文化, 2006
- 陳年興、洪雪芬, K12數位學校的教與學-網路教學的基礎與應用, 師路管理顧問有限公司, 2002
- 陳年興, 電子商務--理論與實務, 華泰, 2000 (第三章與第八章作者)
- T.P. Liang and N.S. Chen, Design of Electronic Stores, Springer-Verlag, 1999
- 陳年興, Internet發展及Web與資料庫之整合與應用, 高雄: 復文書局, 1996
- 陳芸霈、謝盛文、陳年興, "從學習歷程記錄檔動態建構決策樹以支援適性化教學", 中華民國資訊學會通訊, Vol.6(3), 2003 09, pp.11-24
- 鄭進興、陳嘉玫、陳年興, "政府資安大檢測", 資安人 iSecuTech, 2003 05, pp.54-133
- 陳年興、孫振凱、黃琬婷, "利用網頁建構知識分布圖", 中華民國資訊學會通訊, Vol.5(3), 2002 09, pp.25-48(國科會 NSC 91-2511-S-110-004)
- 黃武元、陳年興、葛建志, 蔡俊彥, "多媒體討論互動系統在數學教育應用之研究", 教學科技與媒體 計畫編號:NSC91-MOE-S-110-002-X3, Vol.61, 2002 , pp.15-32
- 陳年興、林孟鴻, "應用歷程檔案建立網路學習輔助機制", 中華民國資訊學會通訊, 2001 , pp.25-38(4(3))
- 陳年興、石岳峻、黃欣儀, "網路大學推動及相關議題探討", 電子月刊, 2001 , pp.72-77(5月號)
- 陳年興, "大學學術追求卓越計劃─學習科技─主動社會學習及其應用─從台灣到全世界(第三分項:任務式學習─子計畫(三):特殊使命式學習)", 教育部研究報告, 2001
- 賴冠州、黃世昆、陳年興, "線上自我安全檢測系統介紹", 台灣網路資訊中心通訊, 2000 12, pp.66-71
- 陳年興, "台灣電腦網路危機處理中心(TW-CERT)2000年工作報告", 台灣電腦網路危機處理中心, 2000 12, pp.72-77
- 林岳生、陳年興, "檢視網路系統安全掃描工具", 台灣網路資訊中心通訊, 2000 09, pp.73-78
- 陳年興, "TW-CERT工作成果報告87.9~89.4", 台灣網路資訊中心通訊, 2000 06
- 陳年興, "TW-CERT對分散式阻斷攻擊之追蹤報告", 台灣網路資訊中心通訊, 2000 03
- 陳年興, "遠距教學計劃", 教育部研究報告, 2000
- 陳年興, "網路報名系統之設計開發暨遠距研討會", 教育部研究報告, 2000
- 陳年興, "非同步網路教學-中山網路大學之介紹", 台北市終身學習網通訊, Vol.6, 1999 09, pp.45-51
- 張簡毅仁、陳年興, "台灣電腦網路危機處理中心(TW-CERT)介紹與最新發展", 台灣網路資訊中心通訊, 1999 02
- 陳年興, "強化台灣電腦危機處理小組組織及弁", 交通部研究報告, 1999
- 陳年興, "由五大指標探析我國Internet趨勢", 資訊與電腦, 1999
- 陳年興, "跨國Internet應用指標及衡量體系研究與規劃", 資策會研究報告, 1999
- 陳年興, "台灣電腦網路危機處理中心中程計劃", 交通部研究報告, 1999
- 陳年興, 〝Learning Space Contents Development Project〞, IBM研究報告, 1999
- 陳年興, "高中、國中跨國遠距教學計劃", 教育部研究報告, 1999
- 陳年興, "臺灣電子商務發展之研究-WEB-BASED虛擬商店之研究", 國科會研究報告, 1999
- 陳年興, "公誠電子建教合作計劃", 公誠電子股份有限公司研究報告, 1999
- 李旻俐、陳年興, "A捷計劃:高中、國中跨國英文遠距教學", 教育部電子計算機中心簡訊, 1999 , pp.24-37(8809期)
- 陳年興, "如何提高國競爭力", 光碟月刊, 1998 02, pp.167-168
- 譚珍帝、陳年興, "數據會說話-統計資枓的深入分析:TWNIC最新統計資料:Domain、Host、Server及使用人口-台灣網際網路之最新統指標", 台灣網路資訊中心通訊, 1998 02
- 陳年興, "Web上高速計算教育訓練課程之教材製作", 國家高速電腦中心報告, 1998
- 陳年興, "防治網路色情與智財侵權之系統建置與研究", 教育部研究報告, 1998
- 陳年興, "國家寬頻實驗網路建置計畫", 國科會研究報告, 1998
- 陳年興, "遠距教學教材製作工具及Web-based整合式學習環境之研發", 教育部研究報告, 1998
- 陳年興, "高雄大學籌備處整體校園網路先期規劃", 教育部研究報告, 1998
- 陳年興, "BBS應用新趨勢--讓Internet與電信合而為一", 網路通訊, Vol.77, 1997 12, pp.74
- 戴光良、陳年興, "數據會說話-統計資枓的深入分析:台灣網際網路之最新統指標", 台灣網路資訊中心通訊, 1997 10(創刊號)
- 陳年興, "我國Internet應用發展指標分析與研究", 資策會研究報告, 1997
- 陳年興, "網際網路與廣電媒體", 光碟月刊, 1997
- 陳年興, "TWNIC網路統計資料自動化收集系統", 教育部研究報告, 1997
- 陳年興, "以代理人為基礎之群組軟體開發方法", 國科會研究報告, 1997
- 陳年興, "網際網路在教育上的應用", 自由時報, 1996 02
- 陳年興, "面對網路犯罪, 匿名文化, 使用規範亟待建立", 聯合報, 1996 01
- 陳年興, "多媒體網路結合資料庫的使用者權限管理", 教育部研究報告, 1996
- 陳年興, "廣域網路上多媒體群體軟體之辦公室自動化研究", 交通部電信局研究報告, 1996
- 陳年興, "使用 Event-Pipe 之群組軟體開發方法之研究", 國科會研究報告, 1996
- 陳年興, "多媒體電子資料網路傳輸分析設計及輔助工具研究", 資策會研究報告, 1996
- 陳年興, "以 script 技術在 WWW 上做為通用應用開發的架構與應用研究", 工研院研究報告, 1996
- 陳年興, "WWW 加速電腦網路成為第四大媒體", 網路通訊雜誌, 1995
- 陳年興, "網路多媒體導覽系統之建置", 教育部研究報告, 1995
- 陳年興, "群體軟體在CAI上之的應用", 教育部研究報告, 1995
- 陳年興, "TANET BBS 的過去現在與未來", 網路通訊雜誌, 1995
- 陳年興, "電子書群體協力環境之弁鉬P架構之研究", 資策會研究報告, 1995
- 陳年興, "分散式商品自動化管理系統之研究(II)", 國科會研究報告, 1995
- 陳年興, "開發群體軟體的五種方法", 資訊傳真, 1994 01, pp.47-49
- 陳年興, "中小學電腦輔助教學CAI: 群體拼圖之研究與發展", 教育部研究報告, 1994
- 陳年興, "整合式多弁鉆q子佈告欄系統之研發", 教育部研究報告, 1994
- 陳年興, "多媒體電子會議系統之研究", 工研院研究報告, 1994
- 陳年興, "我國最大的電腦網路", 通訊雜誌, Vol.11, 1994 , pp.57-59
- 陳年興, "探索學術網路資源與網路多媒體導覽", 成大圖書館學報, 1994
- 陳年興, "群體軟體中協調控制模式之研究", 資策會研究報告, 1993
- 陳年興, "CSMA/CD區域網路績效評估之實證研究", 國科會研究報告, 1993
- 陳年興, "群體軟體中協調控制模式技術之研究", 資策會研究報告, 1993
- 陳年興, "群體協力行為模式之研究與人機介面之設計", 工研院研究報告, 1993
- 陳年興, "自動資訊傳播系統", 教育部研究報告, 1993
- 陳年興, "系統化分析與防治策略之研究", 國科會研究報告, 1991 (電腦病毒研究架構)
- 陳年興、洪雪芬, K12數位學校的理念與做法, 刊登於《建構與教學》pp.3~7, 2003 9
- 一個整合書本、手機與數位學習教材的創新學習方式:系統設計、開發及實驗評估
-國家科學委員會委托, 主持人, 2010-8-1-2013-7-31 - 整合實境與數位資源之適性化與合作學習環境及應用模式-卓越研究團隊計畫--整合實境與數位資源之適性化與合作學習環境及應用模式-卓越研究團隊計畫 (2/3)
-國科會委托, 共同主持人, 2010-8-1-2011-7-31 - 數位典藏與數位學習之海外推展暨國際合作計畫-數位學習國際合作計畫
-國家科學委員會委托, 主持人, 2011-1-1-2011-12-31 - 數位典藏與學習之海外推展暨國際合作計畫-總計畫-數位典藏與學習之海外推展暨國際合作計畫-總計畫
-國家科學委員會委托, 共同主持人, 2010-1-1-2010-12-31 - 數位典藏與數位學習之海外推展暨國際合作計畫-數位學習國際合作計畫
-國家科學委員會委托, 主持人, 2010-1-1-2010-12-31 - 數位學習環境中反思教學策略對於學習者反思層次之影響
-計劃編號97-2511-S-110-005-MY3, 主持人, 2008-08-01-2010-07-31 - 新式程式設計教學平台之開發與理論研究
-計劃編號97-2221-E-110-046-, 共同主持人, 2008-08-01-2009-07-31 - 無所不在學習環境與心智工具之建置、應用與分析-無所不在學習環境與心智工具之建置、應用與分析
-計劃編號97-2631-S-024-002-, 共同主持人, 2008-08-01-2009-07-31 - 數位典藏與學習之海外推展暨國際合作計畫,數位學習國際合作計畫
-計劃編號97-2631-S-110-001-, 主持人, 2008-01-01-2008-12-31 - 以短期記憶能力導向探討行動化學習環境下之語文學習
-計劃編號NSC95-2520-S-110-001-MY2, 主持人, 2006-08-01-2008-07-31 - 全面性混成學習環境中實體與網路同步群體班級氣氛與學習成效之比較分析
-計劃編號NSC 96-2412-H-269-001-SSS, 共同主持人, 2007-08-01-2008-07-31 - 數位典藏eSchool 課程發展與經營策略研究
-計劃編號96-2422-H-032-003, 共同主持人, 2007-03-01-2008-03-31 - 數位學習國家型計畫基礎研究成果推廣應用計畫
-計劃編號NSC95-2524-S-003-017, 共同主持人, 2006-12-01-2007-12-31 - 適性化學習環境中多媒體教材的媒體呈現型態與學習者的認知能力對認知負荷與學習成效的影響
-計劃編號NSC 94-2520-S-110-001, 主持人, 2005-08-01-2006-07-31 - 符合SCORM標準的先進數位學習系統之研究-總計畫
-計劃編號NSC93-2524-S-110-001, 主持人, 2004-05-01-2005-04-30 - 符合SCORM標準的先進數位學習系統之研究-先進適性化網路習平台之開發與應用
-計劃編號NSC93-2524-S-110-002, 主持人, 2004-05-01-2005-04-30 - 知識分享:顯性知識採用知識關聯圖及性隱性知識採用知識地圖
-計劃編號NSC92-2213-E-110-041, 主持人, 2003-2004 - CSMA/CD區域網路績效評估之實證研究
-計劃編號NSC-82-0415-E-110-041, 主持人 - 永續發展概念落實於南台灣中小學環境教育研究-網路教學與教師社群網站之研發(2/2)
-計劃編號NSC91-2511-S-110-004, 主持人 - 國家實驗網路應用環境前置規劃計畫-視訊會議自動化管理暨服務系統之建置
-計劃編號NSC90-2219-E-110-001, 主持人 - 永續發展概念落實於南台灣中小學環境教育研究-網路教學與教師社群網站之研發(1/2)
-計劃編號NSC90-2511-S-110-009, 主持人 - 網路學習環境上以異質性學習風格來做小組合作學習之成效評量研究
-計劃編號NSC89-2511-S-110-004-, 主持人 - 臺灣電子商務發展之研究-WEB-BASED虛擬商店之研究(二)
-計劃編號NSC 88-2416-H-110-055, 主持人 - 使用 Event-Pipe 之群組軟體開發方法之研究
-計劃編號NSC85-2213-E-110-012, 主持人 - 臺灣電子商務發展之研究-WEB-BASED虛擬商店之研究
-計劃編號NSC87-2416-H-110-028-N6, 主持人 - 符合SCORM標準的先進數位學習系統之研究-總計畫
-計劃編號NSC93-2524-S-110-001, 主持人 - 海軍單位內部網路系統之網站安全檢查體系之建立
-計劃編號NSC89-2623-7-110-006-, 主持人 - 以代理人為基礎之群組軟體開發方法
-計劃編號NSC86-2416-H-110-004, 主持人 - 分散式商品自動化管理系統之研究(II)
-計劃編號NSC84-2416-H-110-009-F2, 主持人 - 電腦病毒研究架構,整合模式與防治策略之研究
-計劃編號NSC-80-0301-H-110-36-R, 主持人 - 中小學數學領域透過數位網路在職進修系統之研發及成效評估(1/2)
-計劃編號NSC91-MOE-S-110-002-X3, 主持人 - 中小學數學領域透過數位網路在職進修系統之研發及成效評估(2/2)
-計劃編號NSC92-2511-S-110-001-X3, 主持人 - NBEN寬頻網路視訊會議及影音系統整合應用
-計劃編號NSC91-2219-E-110-007, 主持人 - 大規模網路安全檢查系統之研究
-計劃編號NSC90-2623-7-110-003, 主持人 - 國家寬頻實驗網路建置計畫
-計劃編號NSC87-2219-E-110-001, 主持人
- 教育部-離島及偏遠地區中小學在職教師遠距教學課程開辦計畫-線上課程經營理論與實務
-教育部委托, 主持人, 2006-10-05-2007-04-05 - 超級視訊格網(Access Grid)遠距視訊興教學應用委託案
-國家實驗研究院國家高速網路與計算中心委托, 主持人, 2004-05-16-2006-05-15 - 大學學術追求卓越計劃-學習科技-主動社會學習及其應用:從台灣到全世界(第三分項:任務式學習-子計畫(三):特殊使命式學習:使命式學習模式探討與學習活動設計
-教育部委托, 主持人, 2003-08-01-2004-07-31 - 多媒體電子資料網路傳輸分析設計及輔助工具研究
-資策會技研處(85)38-4357委托, 共同主持人 - WWW通用應用架構之研發
-工研院電通所委托, 主持人 - Web上高速計算教育訓練課程之教材製作(二)
-國家高速電腦中心委托, 主持人 - 台灣電腦網路危機處理中心中程計劃
-交通部電信總局委托, 主持人 - 微軟網路安全研究計畫書
-台灣微軟委托, 主持人 - 廣域網路上多媒體群體軟體之辦公室自動化研究
-交通部南區電訊管理局委托, 共同主持人 - 高雄市數位學園中小學教師專業成長學學生主動學習計畫
-教育局委托, 主持人 - 大學學術追求卓越計劃─學習科技─主動社會學習及其應用─從台灣到全世界(第三分項:任務式學習─子計畫(三):特殊使命式學習:用科技寫歷史-百歲人瑞
-計劃編號89-H-FA07-1-4, 主持人 - 90學年度非同步遠距教學計畫
-計劃編號教育部, 主持人 - Web上高速計算教育訓練課程之教材製作(一)
-國家高速電腦中心委托, 主持人 - 電子書群體協力環境之弁鉬P架構研究
-資策會技研處委托, 共同主持人 - 企業網路大學教學平台,多媒體課程內容呈現設計之規劃與建構
-台灣有線視訊寬頻網路發展協進會委托, 主持人 - 大學學術追求卓越計劃─學習科技─主動社會學習及其應用─從台灣到全世界(第三分項:任務式學習─子計畫(三):特殊使命式學習:教師專業社群的知識分享與創新
-計劃編號90-H-FA07-1-4, 主持人 - 寬頻網路上企業網路大之規劃與建置
-台灣有線視訊寬頻網路發展協進會委托, 主持人 - AJET跨國遠距英語教學計畫:全面推動資訊融入英語教學(91年)
-教育部委托, 主持人 - 大學學術追求卓越計劃─學習科技─主動社會學習及其應用─從台灣到全世界(第三分項:任務式學習─子計畫(三):特殊使命式學習:使命式學習模式探討與學習活動設計
-計劃編號91-H-FA07-1-4, 主持人 - 高雄大學籌備處整體校園網路先期規劃
-教育部委托, 主持人 - 強化台灣電腦危機處理小組組織及弁
-交通部電信總局委托, 主持人 - Learning Space Contents Development Project
-IBM, 主持人 - TWNIC網路統計資料自動化收集系統
-教育部電算中心委托, 主持人 - 群體軟體在CAI上之應用(II)
-教育部電算中心委托, 共同主持人 - 多媒體網路結合資料庫的使用者權限管理
-教育部電算中心委托, 主持人 - 我國Internet應用發展指標分析與研究
-資策會推廣處委托, 主持人 - 群體軟體中協調控制模式之研究
-資策會技研處委托, 主持人 - 研發網路入侵偵測技並提供系統弱點及解決方案
-資策會委托, 主持人 - 高中、國中跨國遠距教學計劃
-教育部委托, 主持人 - 跨國Internet應用指標及衡量體系研究與規劃2
-教育部委托, 主持人 - 整合式多弁鉆q子佈告欄系統之研發
-教育部電算中心委托, 主持人 - 遠距教學計劃
-教育部委托, 主持人 - 高中、國中跨國遠距教學計畫(90年)
-教育部、教育局委托, 主持人 - 網路報名系統之設計開發暨遠距研討會
-教育部委托, 主持人 - 遠距教學教材製作工具及Web-based整合式學習環境之研發
-教育部電算中心委托, 主持人 - 防治網路色情與智財侵權之系統建置與研究
-教育部電算中心委托, 主持人 - K12數位學校暨資訊融入九年一貫學習領域教師研習
-教育局委托, 主持人 - 多媒體電子會議系統之研究
-工研院電通所委托, 共同主持人 - 網路多媒體導覽系統之建置
-教育部電算中心委托, 主持人 - 公誠電子建教合作計劃
-公誠電子股份有限公司委托, 主持人 - 群體軟體在CAI上之應用(I)
-教育部電算中心委托, 共同主持人 - 跨國Internet應用指標及衡量體系研究與規劃
-資策會委托, 主持人 - 大規模網路安全檢查系統之研究
-海軍總部委托, 主持人 - 自動資訊傳播系統
-教育部電算中心委托, 主持人
學年度 | 課程名稱 | 學分 |
106 | 多媒體網路專案(一) | 3 |
多媒體網路專案(二) | 3 | |
104 | 多媒體網路專案(一) | 3 |
多媒體網路專案(二) | 3 | |
103 | 多媒體網路專案(一) | 3 |
多媒體網路專案(二) | 3 | |
102 | 多媒體網路專案(一) | 3 |
多媒體網路專案(二) | 3 | |
101 | 多媒體網路專案(一) | 3 |
多媒體網路專案(二) | 3 | |
100 | 多媒體網路專案(二) | 3 |
多媒體網路專案(一) | 3 | |
企業資料通訊 | 3 | |
99 | 多媒體網路專案(一) | 3 |
企業資料通訊 | 3 | |
多媒體網路專案(二) | 3 | |
98 | 多媒體網路專案(一) | 3 |
企業資料通訊 | 3 | |
多媒體系統專案(二) | 3 | |
97 | 多媒體網路專案(一) | 3 |
企業資料通訊 | 3 | |
95 | 企業資料通訊 | 3 |
多媒體網路專案(二) | 3 | |
94 | 企業資料通訊 | 3 |
多媒體網路專案(一) | 3 | |
多媒體網路專案(二) | 3 | |
93 | 多媒體網路專案(一) | 3 |
企業資料通訊 | 3 | |
92 | 多媒體網路專案(二) | 3 |
91 | 企業資料通訊 | 3 |
多媒體網路專案(一) | 3 | |
多媒體網路專案(二) | 3 | |
90 | 多媒體網路專案(一) | 3 |
多媒體網路專案(二) | 3 | |
89 | 多媒體網路專案(一) | 3 |
多媒體網路專案(二) | 3 | |
88 | 多媒體網路專案(一) | 3 |
多媒體網路專案(二) | 3 | |
87 | 多媒體網路專案(一) | 3 |
多媒體網路專案(二) | 3 | |
86 | 多媒體網路專案(一) | 3 |
多媒體網路專案(二) | 3 | |
企業資料通訊 | 3 | |
85 | 企業資料通訊 | 3 |
多媒體網路專案(二) | 3 | |
84 | 多媒體網路專案(一) | 3 |
多媒體網路專案(二) | 3 | |
企業資料通訊 | 3 | |
83 | C與UNIX程式設計 | 3 |
C與UNIX程式設計 | 3 | |
多媒體網路專案(一) | 3 |
學年度 | 課程名稱 | 學分 |
106 | 網際網路專題 | 3 |
教育機器人與物聯網(併) | 3 | |
教育機器人與物聯網 | 3 | |
數位學習理論與實務 | 3 | |
105 | 數位學習理論與實務 | 3 |
網際網路專題 | 3 | |
教育機器人與物聯網 | 3 | |
103 | 網際網路專題 | 3 |
E-LEARNING 理論與實務 | 3 | |
102 | 網際網路專題 | 3 |
E-LEARNING 理論與實務 | 3 | |
計算機網路 | 3 | |
101 | 網際網路專題 | 3 |
計算機網路 | 3 | |
100 | 計算機網路 | 3 |
網際網路專題 | 3 | |
99 | 計算機網路 | 3 |
網際網路專題 | 3 | |
E-LEARNING理論與實務 | 3 | |
98 | 網際網路專題 | 3 |
專題討論 | 3 | |
計算機網路 | 3 | |
97 | 網際網路專題 | 3 |
計算機網路 | 3 | |
96 | 網際網路專題 | 3 |
E-LEARNING 理論與實務 | 3 | |
95 | 網際網路專題 | 3 |
E-LEARNING 理論與實務 | 3 | |
計算機網路 | 3 | |
資訊管理專題研討(二) | 1 | |
資訊管理專題研討(四) | 1 | |
94 | E-LEARNING 理論與實務 | 3 |
網際網路專題 | 3 | |
計算機網路專題 | 3 | |
93 | 資訊科技研究 | 3 |
E-LEARNING 理論與實務 | 3 | |
網際網路專題 | 3 | |
計算機網路專題 | 3 | |
92 | 網際網路專題 | 3 |
91 | 計算機網路專題 | 3 |
90 | 網際網路專題 | 3 |
網路學習研究 | 3 | |
計算機網路專題 | 3 | |
89 | 網際網路專題 | 3 |
高等網際網路應用 | 3 | |
資訊科技研究 | 3 | |
計算機網路專題 | 3 | |
88 | 網際網路專題 | 3 |
計算機網路專題 | 3 | |
87 | 網際網路專題 | 3 |
計算機網路專題 | 3 | |
86 | 網際網路與企業網路 | 3 |
計算機網路專題 | 3 | |
85 | 計算機網路專題 | 3 |
分散式系統專題 | 3 | |
84 | 計算機網路專題 | 3 |
83 | 計算機網路專題 | 3 |
學年度 | 課程名稱 | 學分 |
106 | 數位學習理論與實務(併) | 3 |
105 | 教育機器人與物聯網(併) | 3 |
數位學習理論與實務(併) | 3 | |
98 | 計算機網路 | 3 |
97 | 計算機網路 | 3 |
96 | E-LEARNING 理論與實務 | 3 |
95 | 計算機網路 | 3 |
94 | 高等資管專題研討(一) | 1 |
高等資管專題研討(三) | 1 | |
93 | 高等資管專題研討(二) | 1 |
高等資管專題研討(四) | 1 | |
86 | 資訊科技研究 | 3 |
85 | 資訊科技研究 | 3 |
高等群體支援系統 | 3 | |
84 | 資訊科技研究 | 3 |
高等群體支援系統 | 3 | |
83 | 資訊科技研究 | 3 |
分散式系統 | 3 |
學年度 | 課程名稱 | 學分 |
106 | 書報討論(一)(合授) | 3 |
書報討論(二)(合授) | 3 | |
教育機器人與物聯網(併) | 3 | |
網際網路專題(併) | 3 | |
數位學習理論與實務(併) | 3 | |
105 | 教育機器人與物聯網(併) | 3 |
網際網路專題(併) | 3 | |
數位學習理論與實務(併) | 3 | |
104 | 書報討論(一)(合授) | 3 |
103 | E-LEARNING 理論與實務 | 3 |
網際網路專題 | 3 | |
102 | E-LEARNING 理論與實務 | 3 |
網際網路專題 | 3 | |
101 | 書報討論(一) | 3 |
98 | 計算機網路 | 3 |
95 | E-LEARNING 理論與實務 | 3 |
94 | 計算機網路專題 | 3 |
E-LEARNING 理論與實務 | 3 | |
93 | 計算機網路專題 | 3 |
E-LEARNING 理論與實務 | 3 | |
書報討論(二) | 3 | |
92 | 書報討論(一) | 3 |
91 | 計算機網路專題 | 3 |
E-LEARNING 理論與實務 | 3 | |
90 | 網路學習研究 | 3 |
書報討論(一) | 3 | |
89 | 高等網際網路應用 | 3 |
88 | 網際網路與企業網路 | 3 |